Vernon Collins Oration

Dame Quentin Bryce 400x280Former Governor General of Australia the Honourable Quentin Bryce AD CVO presented the 2014 Vernon Collins Oration on Thursday 23 October.

The oration, titled ‘The best that we have to give’, was a whimsical and thought provoking presentation. The title was taken from the 1959 UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

“I welcome the opportunity to challenge thinking about the delivery of care for children and adolescents,” Ms Bryce said.

Ms Bryce reflected on the role of the community and family in our health and wellbeing; including the neighbourhood support she received as a young mother and her work on multiple grassroots movements to reform the rights of women, children, people with disabilities, and the welfare of the family.

“Interacting with our neighbours and community allows us to contribute to something bigger than ourselves,” Ms Bryce explained.

Ms Bryce also spoke about her interactions with Australian children in her role as Governor General.

While she was inspired by many, including Black Saturday survivor and former RCH patient Maddy Bartlett, Ms Bryce was heart-broken when meeting children whose lives are marred by domestic violence.

“Babies and toddlers are never too young to be at risk of domestic violence,” Ms Bryce said. “Domestic violence is an insidious scourge, and the most grave human rights challenge of our time.”

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