Australian Transplant Games

RCH patients Ethan and Tom will compete in the 2014 Australian Transplant Games, with the support of RCH Kidney Transplantation Clinical Lead, Dr Josh Kausman.
RCH patients Ethan and Tom will compete in the 2014 Australian Transplant Games, with the support of RCH Kidney Transplantation Clinical Lead, Dr Josh Kausman.

It’s hard to be a role model when you are just seven years old, but Tom Moody was back at the RCH to inspire other kids waiting for a transplant.

Tom is one of the faces of the 2014 Australian Transplant Games.

The Australian Transplant Games are held every two years and celebrate the success of transplantation and encourage Australian families to discuss organ and tissue donation. The 2014 Transplant Games will be held in Melbourne from September 26 to October 4.

Tom Moody owes his life to a liver transplant. When he was only six months old, Tom’s parents were told by doctors at the RCH that if their son had any chance of surviving he would need a transplant. Six years later and Tom is a healthy, active little boy getting ready to participate in Australia’s most inspirational sporting event.

“While the Games are competitive, they are about much more than just competition,” said Kevin Green, Chair of the 2014 Games and kidney transplant recipient.

They are our chance to say thanks to donor families all over Australia who have given the greatest gift, the gift of life.”

Transplant Australia launched the Official Junior Program of the Games at the RCH on Friday 11 July by demonstrating some of the sports on offer to patients.

While it was a fun-filled morning, there was a serious side to the message. Children who have undergone transplantation following life-threatening illnesses and conditions need to continue to focus on their fitness, health and wellbeing to avoid developing other conditions such as obesity and kidney disease. Remaining physically active is fundamental for children after transplantation.

The RCH is a Nationally Funded Centre for heart and liver transplantation, and also performs kidney transplants as well as lung transplants, in conjunction with The Alfred. In the past 12 months the RCH has performed eight heart transplants, 16 liver transplants, 10 kidney transplants and one combined liver and intestinal transplant. The skill and expertise of the transplant clinicians at the RCH and all transplant hospitals around Australia, offer hope to families, and save lives like Tom’s.

About Transplant Australia

Transplant Australia exists to make the most of life – promoting the life-saving benefits of organ and tissue donation to the Australian Public and supporting those most vulnerable through their journey back to the fullness of life. Transplant Australia’s mission is to be a strong advocate for best practice in the organ and tissue donation sector, to promote its life saving benefits to governments and the Australian public and to provide all those touched by transplantation with support, education and guidance to improve their health, quality of life and wellbeing.

About the Australian Transplant Games

The Australian Transplant Games are held every two years and celebrate the success of transplantation and encourage Australian families to discuss organ and tissue donation. They are open to transplant recipients, donor families, living donors, people on dialysis or awaiting a transplant and supporters.

The Major Sponsor of the Games is the Organ and Tissue Authority, which leads implementation of the Australian Government’s national reform agenda to increase organ and tissue donation and transplantation. The Major Supporters are the Victorian Government and the Australia Sports Commission.

Transplant Australia encourages all Australians to discuss donation with their families to make their decision count. It is also important to sign on to the Australian Organ Donor Register by visiting.

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