National Youth Week – ChIPS

ChIPS members Bridget, Zoe and Natasha enjoying a ChIPS camp.
ChIPS members Bridget, Zoe and Natasha enjoying a ChIPS camp.

This week is National Youth Week, the largest celebration of young people in Australia. There are many ways in which The Royal Children’s Hosptial (RCH) celebrates and supports young people, and one of those is the Chronic Illness Peer Support (ChIPS) Program.

ChIPS supports young people aged 12 – 25 years with a primary diagnosis of chronic illness. It is a vibrant and friendly program that invites members to explore the experiences of living with chronic illness with other young people who understand. Members participate in discussion groups, socials, camps and numerous leadership opportunities within the program.

ChIPS member Emily Ryan says joining the program has been a huge support.

“I have been a part of ChIPS for three years and it has been the best decision I have made.,” said Emily.

“I wouldn’t want to change it for a second. Through ChIPS I have met some amazing young people who inspire others with how they cope with their illness on a day-to-day basis.

“Through the ChIPS Program I and many other chronically ill young people have the chance to be in an environment where we are considered equal. I also really love the ChIPS camps and socials as it is a great way to catch up with others in the program.”

More information and referral forms can be found on the ChIPS website:

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