The Royal Children’s Hospital Gender Service

The Royal Children’s Hospital Chairman the Hon Rob Knowles AO and CEO John Stanway have issued an Open Letter regarding the RCH Gender Service.

Please click here to access the Open Letter regarding the RCH Gender Service.

The Royal Children’s Hospital Gender Service

The Royal Children’s Hospital is proud to deliver a Gender Service recognised as one of the world’s best.

Our team are considered leaders in their field. They are respected for their clinical and academic work but, most importantly, for their commitment to the young people in their care.

Our treatment guidelines have been peer reviewed at the highest level, published in the Medical Journal of Australia and adopted by healthcare providers across Australia and the globe. The treatment we deliver on a daily basis is based on the best available medical evidence and in line with international best practice.

Gender dysphoria is a recognised medical condition with a debilitating impact. Children with this condition are entitled to the best available medical care and we will not shy away from delivering that care. In doing so, we adhere to strict clinical governance standards.

As a public institution we expect and welcome public scrutiny that is fair, objective and factual.

The RCH looks forward to the forthcoming review by the Royal Australian College of Physicians into gender treatment practices nationally. We will continue to work constructively with the College and our healthcare partners across Australia to ensure that children with gender dysphoria have access to high quality medical care.

They deserve nothing less.

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