RCH University Academic Centre: what’s in it for your?

Synopsis:The University of Melbourne, through its RCH academic centre, is a major contributor to many aspects of campus life, and specifically has the role of custodian of education on campus. This presentation will explain the current status of the University efforts to improve child health and well being; give some insights into the partnerships that are crucial to enhancing the successful outcomes for the campus; and discuss the University of Melbourne’s vision for the campus going forward.

The presentation will also discuss the proposed new structure for the University RCH academic centre, the resources available for honorary staff, who contribute so much to the outcomes of the University and outline the new processes and procedures for honorary staff, as well as the opportunities to engage in teaching not just related to the new Melbourne medical curriculum. The presentation should be of interest to all scientific, medical, nursing, and allied health staff who are interested in education, research, and advocacy for the campus.

Speaker:The presenter will be Prof Paul Monagle, Stevenson Professor &Assistant Dean, Royal Children’s Hospital Academic Centre, Head Department of Paediatrics, The University of Melbourne, Paediatric Haematologist, Department of Haematology Royal Children’s Hospital, and group leader, Haematology Research group, Clinical Sciences Theme, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. Paul in on the board of the MCRI, and the Royal Children’s Hospital foundation, and has held a variety of other leadership roles on campus over the last 15 years, including Director of Laboratory Services, Head of Haematology and most recently Acting director of Children’s Cancer Centre.

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