Healthcare Sustainability – current actions, future directions


The Australian healthcare system is a significant contributor to climate change through its own carbon footprint, which is estimated to be 7% of Australia’s total carbon emissions. National and international peak health organisations are urging healthcare sectors to decrease their emissions as quickly as possible, in order to uphold our core mission to sustain health and our responsibility to first do no harm.

To commemorate Earth Day (Friday April 22nd), the RCH Medical Staff Association and RCH Sustainability Committee have organised this Grand Round.  The speakers will discuss actions being taken locally and nationally, by individuals, health systems, medical bodies, and local governments to decrease waste and decarbonise the healthcare system. This talk will highlight examples of individual action and system change and stress the importance of participation at all levels.



Dr Emma-Leigh Synnott is a Consultant Physician in Rehabilitation Medicine at the Spinal Injury Unit, Fiona Stanley Hospital in Perth, WA.  She is also the Medical Lead for Climate Health and Environmental Sustainability in her organisation, working across services to facilitate the embedding of environmentally responsible, low carbon decision making into clinical care.

Emma-Leigh is the Chair for the WA Committee of Doctors for the Environment (DEA) and is a founding member of the Steering Committee for the WA Climate and Health Community of Practice (CoP). She is also completing a Masters in Environment and Sustainability.

Dr Simon Judkins is the current Director for Emergency Medicine at Echuca Health after spending over 20 years working at Austin Health. He made the move to experience our healthcare system in a different way, to work in a one of many communities which need and deserve more healthcare providers and resources.

He is currently on the Board of AMA Victoria, a member of DEA, and Rural Doctors Association Victoria. He is the conference convenor for the International Conference for Emergency Medicine in Melbourne this year, with a theme “Better Care for A Better World”, a conference with a very strong environmental and equity message.

But more importantly, Simon is the father of three young adults and wants to do what he can ensure that the world they live in is a better, safer one….

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