Community capability and capacity building – the secret to great care everywhere


What does great care, everywhere really look like when one in five children begin school with an established or emerging health or development need? One of the best strategies for optimising children’s health is building the capability and capacity of communities to meet their needs locally.

This Grand Round explores the partnership between the Wimmera Southern Mallee By Five project and the Centre for Community Child Health. It examines what it looks like when primary health, education and social care unite to build relational practice, capability and capacity for the sake of a community’s children.

The Wimmera Southern Mallee By Five project builds on the Strengthening Care for Children approach to develop a local multidisciplinary model of support for children, families and professionals. SC4C@WSM builds on local expertise and uses digital platforms to deliver outcomes through a genuine exchange between local and specialist knowledge.



Professor Sharon Goldfeld is a paediatrician, Director of The Royal Children’s Hospital’s Centre for Community Child Health and Co-Group leader of Child Health Policy, Equity and Translation at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. Professor Goldfeld has a decade of experience in state government as a senior policymaker in health and education including Principal Medical Advisor in the Victorian Department of Education and Training. Her research program consists of complementary, synergistic and cross-disciplinary streams focused on investigating, testing and translating sustainable policy relevant solutions that eliminate inequities for Australia’s children.

Cara Miller is a Registered Nurse and Project Manager with experience in a range of clinical settings, service and system integration, and leading the development and implementation of place-based, evidence-based clinical guidelines with a focus on local system redesign. Cara is the Project Manager of Strengthening Care for Children in the Wimmera Southern Mallee (SC4C@WSM), a flagship initiative of the By Five Innovation and Equity Hub, establishing partnerships between paediatric specialists, local professionals and families to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people.

Rachel Robinson is a Centre for Community Child Health policy, service development and evaluation specialist with experience spanning place-based collaboration; integrated service development; and early childhood health, education and care. Rachel has been collaborating with the Wimmera Southern Mallee community to deliver the By Five early years project since 2018. By Five brings together health, education and social care across six local government areas and won successive Victorian Early Years Awards in 2019 and 2020.

Dr Claire Nogic is 2022 Senior Community Child Health Fellow at the Centre for Community Child Health and works at the Wyndham Vale IPC Outreach Clinic. In 2021, Dr Claire was the inaugural By Five Community Child Health Fellow. This position came about as a result of the partnership between the Centre for Community Child Health and By Five and is generously funded from 2021 to 2025 by the Victorian Medical Specialist Training scheme and the Wimmera Health Alliance. Prior to medicine, Claire was a secondary school teacher in Australia and worked as a volunteer to train teachers in Rwanda and Cambodia. She is passionate about working with families to provide holistic care to see children reach their full potential.

Dr Billy Garvey is a Senior Paediatrician at the Centre for Community Child Health. Dr Garvey has over 15 years’ experience working with children. He has been part of the By Five project since 2018 and has been key to the co-design and delivery of the SC4C@WSM approach. Dr Garvey is a member of the Yarra Communities that Care Community Board, a community-led effort made up of over 24 local partner agencies which focuses on supporting the healthy development of children and young people in Yarra. Dr Garvey also works in the unsettled babies clinic at the RCH, is an expert reviewer for the Raising Children’s Network and is a sought after speaker and podcaster. Dr Garvey is in year 3 of a PhD in what it means to provide effective educational support for children with additional needs.

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