New CPG: Procedural sedation

The Procedural sedation CPG is a new topic and has been reviewed by the CPG committee.

This CPG forms part of a suite of CPGs relating to sedation, other topics are Ketamine use for procedural sedation and Nitrous oxide – oxygen mix

The Key points for the CPG are

  1. Use non-pharmacological methods as alternatives or adjuncts, such as play therapy and distraction techniques
  2. Topical agents, local or regional anaesthesia should be used if appropriate (eg Bier block)
  3. Ensure adequate analgesia, monitor for combined effects of sedation and opiate analgesia
  4. Choice of sedative agent depends on child factors, the experience of the clinical team and location where the sedation is to be administered
  5. Sedation agents should only be used by clinicians who are trained and approved in their use in children and who have experience in paediatric resuscitation, airway management and monitoring



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