New CPG: Neonatal intravenous fluids

The Neonatal intravenous fluids CPG is a new CPG developed by the CPG Committee and endorsed by the Paediatric Improvement Collaborative (December 2022). The CPG provides guidance on the prescription of intravenous fluids for neonates above 32 weeks and outside of a neonatal intensive care setting. It covers which fluids to use for resuscitation and maintenance, fluid requirements per day of life and the re-introduction of enteral feeding.

CPG key points
1. This guideline provides advice for neonates above 32 weeks and outside of a neonatal intensive care setting
2. Whenever possible, the enteral route should be used
3. For neonates greater than 32 weeks and 1500g requiring short term intravenous (IV) therapy, the preferred fluid type is glucose 10% in the first 24-48 hours of life, followed by fluids that contain sodium and potassium
4. Parenteral nutrition is preferred for any neonate needing IV fluids >5 days
5. If a neonate weighs less than birth weight, utilise birth weight in all fluid calculations, unless specified

This CPG adds to the suite of CPGs providing guidance on intravenous fluid prescription and management of neonates.

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