Updated CPG: Febrile seizure
Febrile seizure was an existing Victorian CPG and was endorsed by PIC on 18 February 2021. The revision was considered by interstate reviewers.
Febrile seizure was an existing Victorian CPG and was endorsed by PIC on 18 February 2021. The revision was considered by interstate reviewers.
Oral hypoglycaemic poisoning is a new CPG that was endorsed for Victorian use on 18 February 2021 and requires consideration by interstate reviewers before endorsement by PIC.
Acute otitis media was an existing Victorian CPG and was endorsed by PIC on 18 February 2021. The revision was considered by interstate reviewers.
Hypernatraemia was an existing Victorian CPG and was endorsed by PIC on 26 November 2020. The revision was discussed by the CPG committee on 19 August 2020.
Jaundice in early infancy was an existing RCH CPG and was endorsed by PIC on 26 November 2020. The revision was discussed by the CPG committee on 3 September 2020.
The Intravenous fluids CPG has been updated with a full overhaul as part of our suite of hydration CPGs.
This existing Victorian CPG has been revised and will be considered for PIC endorsement on 26 November
This existing Victorian CPG has been revised by the RCH Toxicology Committee
This existing Victorian CPG has been revised and will be considered for PIC endorsement on 8 October
This existing Victorian CPG has been revised and will be considered for PIC endorsement on 8 October