Updated CPG: Emergency airway management

The Emergency airway management CPG has been updated by the CPG committee.

The Key points for the CPG are

  1. Specific measures to optimise physiology should be undertaken prior to every emergency intubation
  2. Every emergency intubation should include early consideration of the need for help, clear team member role allocation, a clear plan for unsuccessful intubation, and strategies to help maintain situational awareness
  3. An emergency intubation checklist and other cognitive aids should be used during emergency airway management
  4. Continuous wave-form end-tidal CO2(ETCO2) should be used to confirm correct endotracheal tube (ETT) position
  5. If ETCO2 waveform is lost or child goes into cardiac arrest, reassess the child, commence resuscitation measures and check ETT position (including direct visualisation)

The CPG forms part of suite of airway CPGs covering: Emergency airway management in COVID-19 context; Can’t intubate, can’t oxygenate; Inhaled foreign body; and Acute upper airway obstruction

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