New PhD from the 2000 Stories Project
PhD study concludes that cannabis use during adolescence has consequensces into adulthood
PhD study concludes that cannabis use during adolescence has consequensces into adulthood
Congratulations to Rachel Leung on completion of her PhD
Centre staff were sad to farewell Nadia and Merel last week who spent 8 weeks on a student placement at CAH
Congratulations to Rachel Leung who has recently completed her PhD
The CATS Study is commencing its second wave of data collection
New study by Murdoch Childrens Research Institute on Puberty and Mental Health
Heavy early teen cannabis use does increase the risks for later anxiety problems.
2000 stories project highlighted in the Melbourne University Voice
Congratulations to Sylvia Kauer for completing her PhD in using mobile phone technology to monitor depression.
New paper published on parental concerns about confidentiality for teens