Farewell to Andrea Krelle

We will soon farewell Andrea Krelle who has spent a total of 16 years at the Centre for Adolescent Health, a period in which she has demonstrated remarkable versatility. Following her initial career in teaching she switched to health education, first working with the Centre for Adolescent Health in a drug education role within the … Continued

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The Centre for Adolescent Health urges all researchers and organisations to contribute to the Select Committee into the Obesity Epidemic in Australia.

Congratulations Tina

On #WorldNoTobaccoDay the Centre for Adolescent Health congratulates staff member Tina Hosseini on her well-deserved Asia Pacific Conference on Tobacco or Health (APACT) ‘Youth Leader’ scholarship.

Findings from the VIHCS Study

The Parental Bonds of Adolescent Girls and Next-Generation Maternal-Infant Bonding: Findings from the Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study

Findings from the CATS Study

“Children with emotional and behavioural problems are at high risk for academic failure. This risk is evident in mid-primary school.”​

Where’s Mick?

RCH Paediatrician Mick Creati is more than halfway through his journey from Fremantle to Sydney to raise money for the Chronic Illness Peer Support Program (ChIPS).