Congratulations Rachel
Congratulations to Rachel Leung on completion of her PhD
Congratulations to Rachel Leung on completion of her PhD
Centre staff were sad to farewell Nadia and Merel last week who spent 8 weeks on a student placement at CAH
Congratulations to Rachel Leung who has recently completed her PhD
New study by Murdoch Childrens Research Institute on Puberty and Mental Health
Heavy early teen cannabis use does increase the risks for later anxiety problems.
Prof. Susan Sawyer inducted into the Victorian Women’s Honour Roll
Another year, another great ChIPS camp. The Chronic Illness Peer Support (ChIPS) Program held its annual camp from 16th – 18th January at the Mt Evelyn Recreation Camp. Always a highlight on the ChIPS calendar, this year 42 young people attended along with ChIPS staff, volunteers and a healthcare team – our biggest attendance yet! … Continued
Professor Sawyer wishes to thank everyone who sponsored her in this event.
The Lancet Series on Adolescent Health has attracted media attention since the launch held in New York on April 24.
Professor Susan Sawyer and Professor George Patton are presenting papers at the launch of the new Lancet Series on Adolescent Health at UNICEF