Rural Women’s Linkage Program (RWLP)
The Invergowrie Foundation and Centre Adolescent Health supports rural workers in adolescent health.
The Invergowrie Foundation and Centre Adolescent Health supports rural workers in adolescent health.
Centre for Adolescent Health forums Under the Knife; 2 June 2011
Global gains in infant and child survival have resulted in greater appreciation of the importance of taking the health and wellbeing of adolescents more seriously; the tremendous reduction in mortality globally in the 1-5 year age group has not been replicated to the same extent in 10-24 year olds. Furthermore, globalisation has changed the nature … Continued
Adolescent Health Linkage Program The Adolescent Health Linkage Program is set to continue for another two years thanks to generous support of The Invergowrie Foundation. The program involves the delivery of an interdisciplinary professional develpment program for a select group of women working with young people in regional, rural and remote communities in Victoria. The … Continued
Thursday April 2nd 2009 RCH and remote linkage. Attend these forums and hear experts discuss the issues. More informaton and registration details or contact Louise Scaffidi on 03 9345 6683 or
My space, your space, our space: exploring the future of adolescent health together
The Independent News and Media Limited – 22 April 2007, London