Catalysing Connections 2020

Photo by Queen's University / CC BY-NC-ND 4.0


We would like to thank everyone who participated in the Centre for Adolescent Health’s Catalysing Connections events in 2019 at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. We received feedback that the events were “stimulating and informative” and the networking afterwards was equally welcomed. One participant commented “I enjoyed the informality and the opportunity to mix with the guests and panellists” while another noted, “It was a wonderful networking event and the speakers were such an amazing calibre. Inspiring.”

Melbourne has great diversity in its adolescent health and wellbeing work. It crosses sectors, disciplines, departments and universities but there are few opportunities to come together. The Catalysing Connections for Adolescent Health and Wellbeing events provide researchers, practitioners, policy makers and implementers this opportunity to discuss topics of mutual interest.

At this stage, we are still hoping to host two Catalysing Connections events in the latter half of 2020.

The first event has been tentatively planned for September and convened by Dr Lisa Mundy and will focus on the primary to secondary school transition.

The second event is planned for late October and convened by Dr Rohan Borschmann with a focus on self-harm.

Details of these events will be confirmed closer to the date, dependant on the resolution of the COVID -19 outbreak.


As a reminder, information and video recaps from the events can be found here:

Paediatrics 2040: the future of child and adolescent health services

On 3rd April 2019, the Centre for Adolescent Health hosted the inaugural Catalysing Connections for Adolescent Health and Wellbeing networking event with guest presenter Professor Russell Viner from the UK. The session discussed challenges around the provision of quality adolescent health care including the fragmentation in health services.

Everyone’s business: schools, mental health, and learning

On 1st August, 70 people attended the second Catalysing Connections event. The topic of the evening was, ‘Everyone’s business: schools, mental health and learning’. Professor Susan Sawyer hosted a panel discussion about the health and education interface, and the important role schools play in adolescent (and child) mental health.

Adolescent health and criminal justice: How can they co-exist?

On 6th November, 72 people attended our final 2019 Catalysing Connections event where Professor Stuart Kinner hosted a Q&A style discussion (moderated by Elise Worthington from ABC TV) on criminal justice and adolescent health, addressing what it is that ‘we’ should do differently to:

    • Prevent young people ending up in detention
    • Meet the health-related needs of young people in detention
    • Achieve the best health-related outcomes for young people after release from detention.


We look forward to welcoming you to our 2020 events.

With kind regards,

George Patton, Susan Sawyer, Stuart Kinner, Pete Azzopardi and Craig Olsson

The Royal Children’s Hospital, Centre for Adolescent Health with Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, University of Melbourne, Department of Paediatrics, Burnet Institute and Deakin University.



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