Visiting Scottish academics

Scots_2014The Centre for Adolescent Health was pleased to host four visiting Scottish academics from the University of West of Scotland who spent 10 days exploring a range of programs run by the Centre for Adolescent Health and the RCH, including Adolescent Medicine, the Young People’s Health Service and various programs relating to transition to adult health care and child protection.

Professor Jean Herbison is a Consultant Paediatrician at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Glasgow with expertise in Child Protection and Sexual Abuse.

Dr. Jean Rankin is Senior Lecturer and Academic Director for Midwifery at the university, responsible for developing the research agenda within the Maternal, Child and Family Health Subject Development Group.

Ms Jackie McFadyen is a Senior Lecturer and has led the Health Visiting and Sexual Health Programmes for many years. Jackie has played a major role in the first School Nursing programme in Scotland which commences in 2015.

Ms Maureen Bell is a Consultant Nurse with NHS Ayrshire and Arran and has responsibility for Child Protection.

They are shown here with Dr Cate Rayner, one of our Fellows in Adolescent Medicine (far left), and Professor Susan Sawyer, Director, Centre for Adolescent Health (third from right).


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