New report from the Wellbeing Health and Youth Commissioners

The WH&Y Commission report 2021 Youth health, research and policy priorities and concerns outlines youth perspectives on top health issues, research and policy priorities as well as principles and strategies to address youth health concerns.

This isn’t just any research report, it is written by young people in genuine partnership with leading researchers and staff from the The Wellbeing Health and Youth NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Adolescent Health (WH&Y CRE). This report adds to the voices of young people around Australia who are calling for action to address the double-disadvantage in health that young people can face based on their age as well as other social, cultural, health, abilities and other characteristics and aspects of their identities.

The unfolding pandemic is impacting young people now and the impacts will be felt by this generation for years to come. Young people are stepping up to share their views and expertise on the path forward. They want to work with government, research institutions and services to shape a health system that partners with young people to address short- and long-term health concerns.

The report outlines the youth Commissioners’ health priorities including:

  • More research and better policy responses to the direct and indirect impacts of COVID19
  • Youth mental health and sexual health
  • Youth-centred health information and services

Commissioners make key recommendations to improve health research, policy and service delivery, including:

  • Work in partnership with young people
  • Utilise young people’s networks and the online platforms
  • Involve young people in enhancing cultural awareness resources for health professionals
  • More research and education on the social determinants of health

The WH&Y CRE is an Australia-wide network of interdisciplinary researchers committed to championing good health in the Teenage Decade. WH&Y works alongside clinicians, administrators, policy-makers, families and young people to transform how teenage healthcare is researched and designed so that all young people can experience the best possible wellbeing and health. In 2021 the WH&Y Commission is made up of 27 young people (aged 14-23) from the Greater Sydney Region. As a key group in Centre of Research Excellence they are the foundation of a powerful network for change.

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