New facilities for homeless young people

YPHS photoThe Centre for Adolescent Health provides health services to homeless and socially marginalised young people through the Young People’s Health Service (YPHS) at Frontyard, 19 King Street Melbourne. Melbourne City Mission has undertaken a major renovation of the space at Frontyard, with a new-look entrance and intake area that now provides an open, respectful waiting area for young people who can access a range of youth services including primary healthcare.

YPHS has three specially equipped clinic rooms that enable the team of three  nurses with advanced adolescent skills to provide clinical services (Monday to Friday) between 12 and 4.30pm.

Alongside the physical restructure, a new intake and assessment tool has been developed to facilitate access to the range of services at Frontyard for all young people who are homeless and / or at risk of homelessness. The tool is designed to ensure that young people are aware of the range of services available at Frontyard as well as identifying the various needs individuals might have. In particular, the tool enables greater engagement by our nurses in prevention of health issues before they become a crisis.


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