Centre Directors presenting at UNICEF and United Nations Headquarters

Professor Susan Sawyer, Director of the Centre for Adolescent Health and Professor George Patton, Director of Research at the Centre are presenting papers at the launch of the new Lancet Series on Adolescent Health at UNICEF headquarters on Tuesday 24th April 2012.  

Professor Sawyer and Professor Patton are two of the lead authors in the Series. This new Series will build on the momentum of the first Lancet series on adolescent health published in 2007, which is considered quite influential in the field.

The launch of the Lancet Series also coincides with the 45th session of the United Nations Commission on Population and Development being held from 23-27th April 2012 at the United Nations headquarters.

Professor George Patton is one of only 4 external speakers to the Commission and will speak on the theme of Opportunities in Adolescent Health.

The Centre for Adolescent Health is immensely proud of their work and we wish Professor Sawyer and Professor Patton well on the international stage.


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