A ground breaking program to assist students who have dyslexia entitled Success and Dyslexia: sessions for coping in the upper primary years was launched on Oct 20. Dr Barry Jones, currently Professorial Fellow at The University of Melbourne Graduate School of Education, and Dr. Daryl Greaves, learning disabilities specialist, spoke at the launch which was held at SPELD Victoria. Dr. Firth, a senior researcher at the Centre for Adolescent Health and leading author of the program has undertaken extensive research in the area of coping with learning disabilities. This unique, evidence-based program draws on her research and on the coping research of co author Associate Professor Erica Frydenberg. The program assists all upper primary students, but especially those with dyslexia, to increase their ability to take control of and cope well with the problems that occur in their lives. Because dyslexia is often highly resistant to improvement despite dedicated literacy and numeracy teaching interventions, this groundbreaking resource focuses instead on adaptive coping skills that are known to be more powerful predictors of life success than extent of dyslexia. All components of the program use best practice process for students who have dyslexia, including: explicit strategy instruction, print free activities, and relevance to students’ personal lives, and opportunity for revision.
The program is published by the Australian Council of Educational Research (ACER). See https://shop.acer.edu.au/acer-shop/product/A5216BK
Article published in The Age on October 17, 2011.
Article published in The Age on October 31, 2011.
Dr Nola Firth’s interview with Richard Aedy, ABC Radio National Life Matters presenter was broadcast on Monday October 24, 2011. Listen here
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