Maureen Jekel and Lotte Steeg are two senior students from the
Radboud University Nijmegen in The Netherlands who have just spent 3 months
based at the Centre for Adolescent Health to undertake a research internship
which included writing a comprehensive thesis. They made a great contribution
to a number of research projects during their brief time with use, as they have
described below.
“There is not an english word for what we study, but it is kind
of a combination between developmental psychology and behavioural studies. In April,
we came to the Centre Adolescent Health in Melbourne to do an internship and
write a thesis as part of our studies.
Maureen worked with Dr Rony Duncan on a project about confidentiality. She has
learned how the process of collecting data works and how to write a thesis. She
enjoyed working with Rony very much.
Lotte worked with Nola Firth on a project around dyslexia (a
form of learning difficulty). She learned a great deal about research,
including figuring out that doing research is not that bad after all – she is even
considering doing her PhD in the future! Nola made her very enthusiastic about
her work for children with learning disabilities.
It was a great experience and we are very glad we have been given the opportunity
to come and work at the Centre Adolescent Health.”