This will bring another phase of work for the ‘2000 stories (VAHCS)’ and ‘Offspring’ studies. The funding will also enable investigation into new and exciting intervention for obesity in Dr Joanne Williams’ new study and the development of a new cohort with a focus on pubertal development and its implications on health with Prof George Patton, Dr Craig Olsson, Prof Louise Dagenhardt, Dr Susan Sawyer, Dr Chrisina O’Loughlan, Dr Joanna Williams and Prof John Toumbourou.
Dr Olsson, Prof Patton and Dr Carolyn Coffee have also had success in grants that they are partners in including a consortium of longitudinal studies focussed on cannabis and its effects on health, coordinated out of the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre in Sydney.
The Centre for Adolescent Health has had an outstanding 2010 with NH&MRC which resulted in four successful project grants and over $3 million in funding awarded.