The first “Aluminar” of 2023 – Dr Michael Johnson

The first face to face lunchtime meeting (Aluminar) for many months took place on March 7th in the RCH Foundation at 48 Flemington Road. 24 members and guests enjoyed a fascinating presentation by Dr Michael Johnson, the head of the department of orthopaedics.

His subject revolved around the establishment of the department with its first director – Mr John Colquhoun. With his energetic leadership the RCH country hospital at Mount Eliza was established and built – opening in 1930. One of the main forms of therapy was “Heliotherapy” involving exposure to sun and fresh air, which was thought to improve immune function and eliminate bacteria.

There, many children with chronic diseases such as Tuberculous osteomyelitis were looked after – often in hospital, with very limited opportunities for parents or other visitors to see them, for many years. He talked specifically about one girl who survived after years of hospitalisation and, despite many other medical issues, lived an active and long life – reaching an age of more than ninety years.

The Mount Eliza Hospital closed in 1974.

There followed an active discussion.

A recording of the presentation may be viewed.

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