Australia Day Honours

We congratulate Dr Jim McGill on his appointment as a member in the Order of Australia (AM), in the General Division) for significant service to Metabolic Medicine, to Biochemical Genetic Pathology and to medical education. Jim was Director, Metabolic Medicine, Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, 1997-2014 and since 2014 has had a similar role at Queensland Children’s … Continued

Vale Mary Morland (Parkin)

Mary Parkin (Nee Morland) 21 March 1927 – 15 January 2021 The Alumni executive were saddened to learn that Mary Morland  has died at the age of 93. Mary was a talented anaesthetist who will be remembered not only for her care and skill in providing anaesthesia for children having plastic surgery for a range … Continued

Indigenous child health, children’s rights and the law

The last Alumni event of 2020 Joint RCH Alumni and Children’s Rights International (CRI) Medico-Legal Seminar November 26th via Zoom An audience of nearly fifty Alumni , Lawyers and others listened to talks by three speakers. The session was co-chaired by Ms Ruth Wraith OAM, President of the Alumni and Hon Alastair Nicholson AO Chairman … Continued

Vale David Alexander McCredie AM 15 June 1926 – 17 November 2020

The Alumni executive were saddened to learn that David McCredie MD BSc FRACP has died after a short illness. He studied science and medicine at the University of Melbourne, graduating in 1949. He joined the Children’s Hospital as a Resident Medical Officer in 1951 and after further training in Melbourne and overseas, he became Second … Continued

AGM and President’s Report 2020

AGM 10 November 2020   The AGM of the Alumni Association was held via Zoom on 10 November at 12.00 noon. The meeting was chaired by Ms Ruth Wraith OAM, the President. There were 32 members present and apologies were received from 10 members. The President’s report for the year was presented by Ruth Wraith. … Continued

The recent Alum-inar with Lynn Gillam

Prof Lynn Gillam AM On Wednesday October 28th 100 members and guests enjoyed a highly informative and thought provoking “Zoom” meeting with an excellent talk followed by active discussion about what information can and / or should be give to children about their condition. The meeting was opened by the President of the Alumni, Ms … Continued