Frank Oberklaid named Victoria’s Senior Australian of the Year
Pediatrician Vic’s Australian of the Year Frank Oberklaid Senior Australian of the year
Pediatrician Vic’s Australian of the Year Frank Oberklaid Senior Australian of the year
Australia mourns the loss of Justin Kelly, perhaps our Rembrandt of Paediatric Urology? Last week, Dr Justin Kelly passed away peacefully in his sleep at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, where 4 generations of his family have worked. Just before turning in he left a voice message on his wife of nearly 59 years Elaine’s phone … Continued
The third Aluminar of 2022. On September 16th we had the opportunity to listen to a presentation by A/Prof Jim Tibballs entitled “Lemons, Limes and bitter outcomes for the French Navy”. This was based on his recent PhD thesis, in French, on the subject, which explored the differing rates of acceptance of a new anti-scurvy … Continued
Updated RCH ALUMNI calendar 2022
This, the second Alumni meeting of 2022, took place on 23 June 2022 in the RCH Foundation Fund Raising space at 48 Flemington Rd. The meeting started at 12.10 pm. Psychiatry – Is the glass half full or half empty? Prof Sidney Bloch spoke to an audience of 21 Alumni members and guests … Continued
We congratulate Durham on his birthday as he reaches the age of 100. Durham is celebrating today with family and friends. His four sons and other family members are all joining to celebrate the occasion when Durham plans to share the Magnum of wine given by the Alumni in honour of the occasion. Durham still … Continued
Prof Ruth Bishop AC DSc PhD FRACP(Hon) 12 May 1933 – 12 May 2022 Formerly Principal Research Fellow NHMRC: Hon Fellow MCRI The President and Executive are deeply saddened by the death last week of Ruth Bishop, who was a microbiologist / virologist of international renown. Her research, in The Royal Children’s Hospital Research Institute, … Continued