Vernon Collins Oration 2017
Vernon Collins Oration 2017: “Improving health in the era of biomedical revolutions”. Prof Shitij Kapur
Vernon Collins Oration 2017: “Improving health in the era of biomedical revolutions”. Prof Shitij Kapur
Dr H Julie Jones (11.11.1926 – 09.07.2017) The Royal Children’s Hospital Medical Alumni are sad to record the recent death of Dr Julie Jones, who as a child psychiatrist, alerted the medical and general communities to the impact of death and loss on the emotional life and well-being of children and their parents. She was a … Continued
A talk by Dr Jim Keipert:
A disenfranchised population leading to “A move to the right” in politics?
Dr Frederic Nicolet (Ric) BOUVIER. 6.11.1923 – 6.5.2017 Ric was director of the Casualty Department at The Royal Chiildren’s Hospial in the 1970s (before it changed its name to The Emergency Department). He was also a driving force in establishing the Latrobe Valley Ambulance Service and paramedic education and dedicated his life to … Continued
Newsletter June 9th 2017
Our most recent event on Tuesday, June 20th. Speaker: Professor Mike South “RCH implements the most advanced Electronic Medical Record in Australasia” 23 Alumni members enjoyed Mike South’s fascinating lecture on what Kevin Collins said should be called an ‘integrated electronic management system’, but which is officially known as the EMR – electronic medical record. Wow! RCH … Continued
We were saddened to learn of the death on May 1st of Dr Noel Cass.