Queen’s Birthday Honours (2019)

Several Alumni members were honoured in The Queen’s Birthday Honours: We congratulate:- Professor Ruth Bishop AO, who was awarded AC (Companion in the general division) “For eminent service to global child health through the development of improved vaccines for paediatric gastroenteritis, and to medical research.” Dr David McCredie, who was awarded AM (Member in the … Continued

The executive are sad to record the death of Dr Ann Morgan

We thank John Rogers and Ruth Wraith for these details about Ann Morgan: Morgan, Ann OAM (23/4/1926 – 17/4/2019) Ann Morgan, MBBS DCH, died on 17 April 2019. She will be remembered as a founder and leader in the field of parent and infant mental health and the many people that benefited from her teaching, … Continued

Death of Dr Robert Kelly – Former head of Dermatology

Dr John Robert Kelly 11.4.1926 – 21.1.2019 The Alumni Executive regret to record the recent death of Dr John Robert Kelly. Dr Kelly was a highly regarded Dermatologist who was a founder member of the Australasian College of Dermatologists and served for a number of years as its chief censor. He was head of the … Continued


The first Alumni lunch meeting in 2019 was held on March 5th. The speaker was Ruth Wraith OAM An audience of around 35 alumni members and guests enjoyed an excellent talk about the issues of Post Traumatic Stress in children after major traumatic events in their lives. Ruth Wraith has been involved in counselling children … Continued

Dr Ian Hamilton McDonald

The RCH Alumni note with much regret the recent death of Dr Ian McDonald. Ian was born on July 28th 1923 and was in his 96thyear when he died peacefully on Feb 5th. He will be remembered by many of the Alumni as a pioneering anaesthetist who served on the senior staff of The Royal … Continued

Australia Day Honours

We congratulate Dr Bernie Jenner on his award of the OAM (Medal of the Order of Australia, in the General Division) for service to the community of the Barwon Region, in the Australia Day Honours.

Passing of Dr Fred Jensen

The Executive were saddened to learn of the recent death of Dr Fred Jensen. Frederick Owen Jensen MB, ChB, DDR, MRACR, FFR. 13.6.1932-16.1.2019. Dr Jensen undertook training in radiology at RCH in the late sixties. After further traing in the UK he was the Director of Radiology at RCH, between 1972 and 1976, following the retirement … Continued