Gala Dinner 2019

Once again the dinner was held at Kew Golf Club, following the AGM of the Medical Alumni Association, on Tuesday November 12th. There were 66 members and partners present and four guests, who were welcomed by the President of The Alumni, Ms Ruth Wraith OAM. An excellent dinner was followed by a stimulating presentation by Prof Kathryn North … Continued

Vale Dr Ian Hopkins

Ian Hopkins OAM MD FRACP 3/6/1934 – 10/11/2019 The Executive and members of the RCH Medical Alumni Association were saddened to learn of the death of Dr Ian Hopkins. Ian graduated from Melbourne University in 1957 and after overseas training he became the first full-time Paediatric Neurologist in Australia. For many years, up until retirement … Continued

Death of Dr Reuben Glass

Reuben Glass FRACP. 10 Sep 1932 – 10 November 2019 The Alumni executive were saddened to learn of the death of Dr Reuben Glass. After working as an isolated GP for three years in Cobargo, NSW, he acquired the MRACP in 1964 and set up in private consulting Paediatric practice, with attachments at Box Hill … Continued

Dr Rae Mattews

Matthews, Dr Rae Nanette (27/1/28-13/10/19) The Alumni Association were saddened to learn of the death of Dr Rae Matthews at the age of 91. Rae was a Clinical Haematologist and Oncologist who worked both at The Royal Children’s Hospital (between 1967 and her retirement in 1991) and at The Queen Victoria Hospital. She was involved … Continued

Vernon Collins Oration 2nd October 2019

Hon Justice Jennifer Coate AO Former Judge of the Family Court and former Commissioner for the Institutional Response to Royal Commission on Child Sexual Abuse “Children: The need to be seen and heard“ The Oration was delivered to a large audience of hospital staff, Alumni members and members of the Collins family. Justice Coate was welcomed by … Continued

” Our connected world”

Julian Clarke AM, the former CEO of News Corp and former chairman of the RCH Foundation, was the guest speaker at the Alumni luncheon on July 2nd, which was attended by more than 30 members and guests in the boardroom of the RCH Foundation. As a newspaper man, he said, he had given careful thought … Continued