Spike in burns cases prompts push for prevention

Coronavirus could be having an impact on the number of children treated for burns, with a spike in numbers prompting calls for increased awareness around young kids’ exposure to hot liquids.

Fairy magic on Day Medical Unit

We all know that winter can be a cold and gloomy time, but the staff in our Day Medical Unit aren’t letting the cold months get them or their patients down!

Food allergy emergency presentations double in 10 years

Victorian children requiring emergency care for symptoms of food allergy almost doubled in 10 years from 2005 to 2015, a study by The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) and Murdoch Children’s Research Institute has shown.

Congratulations to the RCH Transition Support Service!

The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) Transition Support Service has been recognised nationally as setting the benchmark for excellence in healthcare, receiving the inaugural Exemplar Award from the Australian Commission of Safety and Quality Healthcare.

World Retinoblastoma Week: Zoe Reid

At just 18-months old, little Zoe Reid was diagnosed with retinoblastoma after RCH ophthalmologists discovered a cancerous tumour in her right eye.

Translated COVID-19 resources

The RCH has made key information about COVID-19 available in a number of community languages, including Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Somali, Punjabi, Hindi and Vietnamese.