Meet our NUMs: Simone from Recovery!

Meet Simone from our Recovery ward, Simone tells us about her year abroad and how she loves working alongside her caring, passionate colleagues.

Meet our NUMs: Michelle from Day Medical!

In this week’s installment of Meet our NUMs, we chat to Michelle from Day Medical! Michelle tells us about her RCH journey and her travel aspirations.

Congratulations Sam Ira!

Sam Ira from the RCH Creative Studio has taken out two medals at this year’s Australian Transplant Games.

Meet our NUMs: Michelle from Platypus!

In this week’s installment of Meet our NUMs, we chat to Michelle from Platypus!  Michelle tells us what she loves most about her job and how an AFL legend would be on the top of her list to have dinner with.

Meet our NUMs: Kahlia from Wallaby!

Did you know we have a service that allows patients to complete their admission at home? Kahlia, our NUM from Wallaby tells us all about it and what a typical day for her looks like!

The RCH needs you! Tell us what you think!

We are looking for enthusiastic parents, carers, guardians and young people to join us for our 2018 Consumer Forum and tell us what they love about the RCH and how we can improve.

Meet our NUMs: Emma from Banksia

This week we spoke to Emma from Banksia, our mental health ward. Emma told us about her passion for mental health nursing, her love of travel and the most rewarding parts of her role.