Translated KHI fact sheets

Do you or someone you know speak a language other than English? 11 of our most popular fact sheets are now available in 10 languages!

Meet our NUMs: Theresa from the Day Cancer Unit!

The latest installment of the meet our NUMs series is Theresa from our day cancer care unit in Kookaburra.  Theresa tells us what she loves most about her role, and the multiple countries she has worked in!

Spotlight on Summer Safety

Summer holidays are around the corner and it’s a great time for families to get outside and get active. It’s also a time when we see accidents and injuries, many of them preventable. That’s why we’re shining a spotlight on summer safety.

Meet our NUMs: Jayne from Dolphin!

Meet Jayne, our nurse unit manager from our short stay ward.  Jayne tells us about how her ward was recognised for how quickly they move patients from the ED to a ward and the interesting weight lifting title she held in high school!

Congratulations Homesglen students!

Ten Holmesglen students have successfully completed the 2018 integrated practical placement program at The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH).

Meet our NUMs: Simone from Recovery!

Meet Simone from our Recovery ward, Simone tells us about her year abroad and how she loves working alongside her caring, passionate colleagues.

Meet our NUMs: Michelle from Day Medical!

In this week’s installment of Meet our NUMs, we chat to Michelle from Day Medical! Michelle tells us about her RCH journey and her travel aspirations.

Congratulations Sam Ira!

Sam Ira from the RCH Creative Studio has taken out two medals at this year’s Australian Transplant Games.