Long wait for new heart

The heart is the linchpin of life, but slowly and quietly in the first weeks after Ellie Martin was born, hers began to come undone. This is the story of her 400-day wait for a second chance at life. Don’t worry, it has a happy ending.

Paving the way

We’re so proud of Assoc. Prof Michelle Telfer, Director Gender Service at the RCH, for having her personal story published in the latest edition of The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health.

Kit keeps fighting the good fight

All eyes are on baby Kit McClymont, as his parents pour all their strength into his recovery as they rewrite their story of heartbreak. Parents Sammy and Nathan lost Kit’s twin brother Noah after his first week of life.

11th National Bioethics Conference now calling for abstracts

This year the 11th National Bioethics Conference will explore these challenges and the impact they have on healthcare – under the title ‘Respecting different perspectives’.We are now inviting submissions of abstracts for oral presentations – standard papers or de-identified case studies.

Double trouble

Siblings Harriet and Franklin have both been patients at the RCH after experiencing very different emergencies. Nine month old Harriet gave her parents a scare this month after she suffered from a 90-minute long seizure while older brother, Franklin went into heart failure only weeks after birth.