RCH Meerkats annual check-up

2 3 jpgThe Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) meerkat family received a house call from Zoos Victoria yesterday for their annual check-ups.

As each little mammal was plucked up, the remaining meerkats grew craftier in evading the keepers. However, through a determined team effort, three carnivore keepers triumphed and delivered all eight meerkats to zoo vet Dr. Kate Bodley for their annual weigh-in, eye and teeth checks and vaccinations.

While their name may suggest otherwise, meerkats are not part of the feline family. However, they are susceptible to diseases which affect cats, such as feline enteritis and cat flu. Yesterday’s treatment ensures the meerkats’ protection against these life-threatening diseases remains current, and they can continue bringing joy to RCH patients and families.

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