Dilpreet rings the bell!

When eight-year-old Dilpreet passed out in the bathroom, her Mum was shocked and scared – something wasn’t right. Her daughter had lost her appetite and was struggling to keep food down. Her Mum took her to the doctor, who after initial blood tests, referred her to the Royal Children’s Hospital Emergency Department.



The next morning after more tests – she received a life changing diagnosis. Dilpreet had acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.

“Our lives changes in an instant”, said Dilpreet’s Mum, Gurpreet.

“I was by myself and in absolute shock. I’m not even sure if I cried – I was just horrified.”


Over the coming months, the hospital became a second home for Dilpreet and her family.

Treatment was grueling, with the added complications of a pandemic, meaning Dilpreet was either in hospital or isolated at home. She also began to lose her beautiful, long hair.

“That time was very hard for us because she became so sad and cried and cried.”

“Watching Dilpreet decline so rapidly was just soul crushing – seeing your girl change like that and you can’t do anything about it.”

“But our brave, little girl fights hard. She is a beautiful, brave, great fighter.”

Dilpreet’s parents say the hospital has supported them in every way.

“Hospital staff are like family to us,” her Mum said.



Two weeks ago, after more than two and a half years, Dilpreet marked the end of her chemotherapy at the hospital, celebrating by ringing the bell surrounded by her parents, big sister, little brother, Aunt and her cousins.

It’s an incredible milestone, given all she’s been through.

Now, 10 years old, Dilpreet is growing into a caring young girl, who is social, strong minded and loves being the centre of attention. She hopes to one day become a teacher AND an actress.

Congratulations Dilpreet!


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