Champions for Children: Meet Cate

Today is Wear it Purple Day. A day dedicated to fostering a supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environment for LGBTQIA+ people.

We spoke to Dr Cate Rayner, Co-Director of the RCH Gender Service and our latest Champion for Children about why Wear it Purple Day is important.

“I started work at The RCH in 2011, as a Paediatric trainee and joined the Adolescent Medicine team for a year of training, in 2014. This experience sparked an enduring interest in supporting adolescents and their families. I returned as a Consultant Paediatrician six years and two children later.

“I am lucky enough to be leading the Adolescent Medicine Department currently and co-lead the RCH Gender Service, alongside Dr Tram Nguyen. I am proud of the great work that we do, with passion and commitment.

“Outside of work, I enjoy being in the wilderness, exploring with my family.”

Cate values the opportunity to learn from the young people she meets at the RCH Gender Service.

“It is a privilege to listen to their stories, share their journey and advocate for these young people, who show such courage and authenticity.

“Wear it Purple Day is important to me because I want all trans, gender diverse and LGBTQIA+ kids to know that they are amazing, supported and loved.

“Opportunities to show visible support on a large scale can make a difference, such as a trans celebrity living their best life or a national sport team wearing the pride colours on their jerseys. The young people I see bring these stories to me in clinic to share, with excitement.

“Wear it Purple Day is a moment to show your support; you then need to ‘live that support’ each day of every year. It is in those routine, frequent, day-to-day interactions that a foundation of safety and support is created.

“This year’s theme is write your story. Storytelling is powerful, it can foster connection and pride, and also challenge other’s assumptions. It is important that we listen to the stories of trans and gender diverse youth, their joys, fears, and reflections. It is their story to tell, when and how they want to.”

When asked how to become an ally, Cate reflected “Challenge your own biases, listen to those with lived experience, advocate for change alongside the LGBTQIA community and be kind.”


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