Is a career in paediatric nursing calling for you?

Have you always wanted to work in paediatric nursing but are currently working in the adult sector?

Now is your chance to switch over and start a new chapter in your career. Applications are now open for the RCH Transition to Paediatrics Program (TTP) so we spoke to previous participant, Jess, about her experience.

Why did you choose nursing as a career?
I choose to become a nurse because I wanted to positively impact my patients’ healthcare and provide support for patients and families when they find themselves most vulnerable. I knew nursing was for me because the role is so much more than just caring for a patient’s physical health. We get to provide emotional support to patients and families as well. I highly value and respect a nurse’s role, and their ability to contribute holistically to the entire wellbeing of patients and their families. It’s such a privilege to be part of a family’s healthcare journey and work in dynamic environments, continuously learn and building critical thinking skills.

Why did you want to move over to work in paediatrics and take part in the Transition to Paediatrics program?
Starting my grad year in a global pandemic highlighted to me the impact of a nurse in facilitating patient and family centred care, and the importance of demonstrating resilience and adaptability in challenging circumstances. After completing my grad year at an adult hospital, I was ready to take on a new challenge and pursue my passion for paediatric nursing by applying for the TPP. I always loved the idea of nursing children, but after my year working as a nurse in the adult setting, I realised how much I value and enjoy providing care to patients and their families too. The Royal Children’s Hospital’s (RCH) excellent standard of patient and family centred care was what I aspired to be part of. I was nervous to apply at the RCH as nursing children is a specialty area and very different to adult nursing. Knowing there was so much support and teaching offered in the program, through paediatric specific study days alongside regular de-briefs and catch ups within the Transition program, made the decision so much easier.

What are you enjoying the most about paediatric nursing?
I’m enjoying making regular nursing tasks fun for kids. It’s definitely challenging at times. Something as simple taking a blood pressure is not always straight forward but it’s fun being creative and working with kids and their families to make their time in hospital as nice as enjoyable as possible.

What advice would you give someone wanting to make that leap and apply for the Transition to Paediatrics program?
Just do it! I couldn’t fault my experience; I was so happy to be allocated to the Kookaburra ward. But I knew if I had any problems, support was available on and off the ward. There’s been weekly de-brief sessions within the group, and even help with orientation modules. It took me so long to get my head around paediatric med calculations!

What has been the highlight of paediatric nursing and participating in the Transition to Paediatrics Program?
For me, the highlight has been feeling more confident in my role as a paediatric nurse and I’ve got a job where I’ve always wanted to work. The TPP has provided me with lots of learning opportunities and teaching but without making me feel like a graduate nurse again. The team running the TTP structured the study days around paediatric nursing, rather than general nursing, which we all had prior clinical experience and skills.

For further information or to apply, visit the job ad at RCH Careers.


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