Four RCH paediatricians were recognised at the annual Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) Congress in May, taking out four awards for excellence at this prestigious event.
Director of the RCH National Child Health Poll Dr Anthea Rhodes received the Rue Wright Memorial Award, which recognises excellence in hypothesis, scientific merit and relevance to Community Child Health in an oral presentation at the RACP Congress.
Anthea’s presentation, Child mental health literacy among Australian parents: a national study shared the findings of the eighth RCH National Child Health Poll on child mental health.
Consultant Paediatrician Dr Jonathan Kaufman was awarded the Best Poster Prize in Paediatrics and Child Health for excellence of hypothesis, scientific merit and oral presentation for a poster presentation at the RACP Congress.
Jonathan’s poster demonstrated his Liquid Gold project, which was a health economic analysis of the methods of collecting urine samples from young children.
As a common procedure, even small cost savings are significant, with the model demonstrating that catherisation (invasive) and voiding stimulation (non-invasive) were the most cost-effective methods.
Registrar Dr Daryl Cheng received the RACP Trainee of the Year Award, in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the RACP and the community.
CCH Fellow Dr Katrina Hannan was awarded the RACP Trainee Research Award (VIC), after giving an oral presentation at the RACP Congress.
The RACP Congress brings together around 1,000 physicians from Australia and New Zealand to tackle the big issues in healthcare.
The 2018 Congress explored challenges and shared the latest clinical and research updates.
Join us in congratulating Anthea, Jonathan, Daryl and Katrina.