This week Olympic gold medallist Alisa Camplin-Warner and her husband Oliver celebrated raising an incredible $2 million for the RCH, in honour of their late son Finnan.
Each year on Finnan’s birthday, Alisa and Oliver donate a grant to the RCH in support of cardiac care.
This year, the couple presented the RCH with a cheque for $200,000, to purchase of an Echocardiogram to help children with cancer who are at risk of heart damage due to their chemotherapy treatment.
Though treatments for childhood cancer are improving and many children are being cured of their cancer, they often encounter long-term issues and the life-saving, but toxic agents used in chemo and other therapies can cause damage, in particular to the heart.
This Australian-first Cardio-Oncology Service for children with paediatric cancer will track and manage the care for cancer patients who are affected by cardiology complications as a result of oncology treatment.
“When I look back on the last seven years, I feel overwhelmingly proud and grateful at what has been achieved in Finnan’s honour,” Alisa said.
“We learnt so much from him in the 10 days he was with us and to have raised over $2 million for cardiac care in Finnan’s name is quite humbling.
“We couldn’t have done it without the incredible support, dedication and passion of our Finnan’s Gift community – to have reached this milestone is unbelievable.”
You can read more about Finnan’s Gift here.
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