If there were a song to sing about the tragedy and pain of children’s lives lost and bodies broken by quad bikes in our country, the chorus would surely ring out: Enough is Enough.
Trauma kills and disables more Aussie children than any other cause, and every preventable child trauma death is a reason for despair for any person or system that failed to protect them. In my work as a surgeon and trauma prevention advocate, I see few better places to start saving lives than a ban to stop children getting on quad bikes altogether. This is a hard line, too hard for some, but I would challenge anyone… farmer, doctor, lawyer, voter, seller, buyer, parent or child: How many more children do you think need to be injured on quad bikes before you’ll be singing, ‘Enough is enough’?
We have seen enough deaths. Since 2001, 42 Aussie kids under 16 years have died from quad bike trauma. That is a classroom full of children in parts of Australia, and in some country schools the loss of 42 kids would be to lose a community. Some die instantly, and horribly it appears some children die slower and heart-wrenchingly avoidable deaths, pinned under the immovable weight of a tipped quad bike. Quad bikes are relentless and merciless in their ability to kill, which sets them apart from other dangers likes horses or motorbikes.
We have had enough injuries. In Victoria, over a 12-year period almost 800 children under 16 years presented to emergency departments with quad bike trauma, and a third of these were admitted. The hospital I work in, The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, is our state-designated paediatric trauma centre, and so we see Victoria’s most injured children. Disturbingly, we have seen a consistent rise in quad bike injuries each year, this year already being no exception. This includes life re-defining injuries like crush injuries to the head and chest, fractured thigh bones, spinal injuries, major burns, pelvic fractures and abdominal organ injuries. Again, a key danger here is inherent instability of quad bikes and so tendency to tip and crush the rider, striking a blow that causes direct and terrible injury or cruelly pins the child until they are, hopefully, discovered. For too many of these quad bike trauma victims, what starts with injury continues as disability with interrupted education, disrupted family life, loss of opportunity and more.
What we don’t see enough of is action. Together with many health and farm safety groups, my clear assertion is kids can only be adequately protected and injuries prevented with a ban: no child under 16 years on any quad of any size at any time in any place for any reason. Yes, this would be a strict step, but law of this strictness would at long last appropriately reflect to our community the gravity of risk posed to kids by quad bikes.
Some say the ban isn’t required, but I very much doubt they have listened to the cries of bereaved families or felt their broken bodies. Some say smaller quads can be safe, but the weight of evidence against this is only surpassed by the weight of the lightest quad as it crushes and suffocates its victims. Some say a ban of kids on quads won’t work, but the US state of Massachusetts passed a similar law in 2010 achieving zero deaths in kids protected by the ban for more than five years and ongoing dramatic reductions in injury rates. Some say quad bike legislation isn’t their responsibility, priority or portfolio, but I say preventing childhood death and injury is everyone’s responsibility and should be on everyone’s agenda.
What we don’t have enough of is time. Now is the time for action; further delay means further deaths and injuries, and enough is enough. The ban we hope for tomorrow is the action we need today, and our children deserved yesterday. What a difference it would make to see action on this before tomorrow, before the next family tragedy has a chance to happen.
Warwick Teague
Surgeon and Director, Trauma Service at The Royal Children’s Hospital
This originally appeared in The Weekly Times.
If you’d like more information on quad bike safety, read our Kids Health Info fact sheet.
4 comments for “Opinion: Enough is enough. We need to stop children getting on quad bikes.”
In light of the above mentioned stats, I think we need to make it illegal for children under 16 years of age to ride on quad bikes.
Blanket bans for quad bikes are not the answer. What’s next……banning motorbikes? How many kids drown? Are we banning pools? The attitude that “something is dangerous lets ban it” is the wrong attitude to have. With proper education and training, risk while conducting these activities can be reduced. Does this doctor have kids? Do they do any risky activities? Its not my place to say is it……well its not his place to say what my kids can or can’t do.
Hailey Seccombe
My kids ride motorbikes and horses but we refuse to let them on a quad unless accompanied and driven by an adult. Here in the top end alot of the stations are installing ‘roll bars’ on quads …they are a stele ‘half hoop’ covered in rubber which bolts to the rear of the quad, saving a rider in the event of a roll over from crush injuries etc… I realise accidents will still occur and injuries/deaths are still possible, but perhaps a bill that demands they be installed prior to sale would save a few lives and minimise the risk??
I’m the owner of six Quad bikes used for farming two of with a very high powered in the 1000cc rang farming land like anywhere ells can be uneven so riding to the condition of the land is sensual. my Grand children love the Quads but I never allow them to ride on there own. and if seated on the rear of the quad never with out suitable clothing and foot wear and NEVER without a proper bike helmet. so yes future Quad bikes would be a great safety Ida to have them fitted with an appropriate roll bar fitted. of cause this will up the price for new quad bikes. but what is the price to pay for ones life. I’ll Back any Government 100% to have future quads brought in to Australia to be monitory fitted with safety roll bars. so I urge any adult rider out there that I have seen doing. and it is the same as driving a car. ALCOHOL and Quad bikes DO not mix especially if you have a passenger of any age.