Each year we host a forum to give you, our consumers, the opportunity to help make the RCH an even better children’s hospital.
Last year we asked enthusiastic parents, carers, guardians and young people to take part in a special workshop and tell us what they love about the RCH, how we can improve and what we could be doing better.
This year, we will provide an overview of this feedback and talk about the changes we have implemented as a result.
Please join us to hear more about the improvements we’ve made and our plans for the future. We look forward to seeing you there!
What: 2017 RCH Consumer Forum, followed by light refreshments and the opportunity to speak with other consumers and RCH staff
When: Thursday November 2, 2017, 4pm-6pm
Where: Vernon Collins Theatre, The Royal Children’s Hospital, 50 Flemington Road, Parkville
RSVP: Not required, just turn up on the day!
The event will also be live-streamed via Facebook Live. Please make sure you are following the RCH Facebook page to receive a notification when the event goes live: facebook.com/rchmelbourne/
One comment for “Want to hear what we’re doing to make the RCH an even better children’s hospital?”
I think that RCH is an excellent hospital with one exception. That is, I find it very disappointing that ICU do not have a holistic approach to treating our complex children. They can’t be expected to know everything about each child but seem very reluctant to receive input from families /carers or even other departments. The best outcome comes from all parties sharing their known.