Do you celebrate Father’s Day? We wanted to know how some of our patients were planning to spend the day, so asked them about their plans for the weekend. Here’s what they said!
How are you celebrating Father’s Day this year?

Xavier, 5, says he’s getting exciting things for his dad: “I’m going to give my card to Dad, and it’s going to be a surprise card. I can write my name. I always know. My name goes X – A – V – I – E – R. And I made him a fish.”

Dakota, 11, reckons her dad likes eggs: “We’re going out for lunch, we’ll make breakfast in bed – eggs on toast – and I’m going to buy Dad a present at the Father’s Day stall at school.”

Eliza, 10, thinks her dad will cook breakfast: “What are we going to get him? Oh, we’ve got him a barbeque. So we’ve just bought a new barbeque for our house, so we’ve decided to get him some barbeque tools.”

Inushi, a RCH volunteer, is planning some family time: “I think we’ll take Dad out for breakfast with the family and just spend some time with him on the weekend. He’ll also get a pair of dress shoes that he wanted. He helpfully hinted to us a couple of weeks ago, so we’ll probably get that as well.”

Liam, 7, is giving his dad a personalised chocolate bar: “I’m going to buy dad some presents. A key ring, and some chocolate with marshmallows in it.”

Libby, a RCH volunteer, is keeping it simple: “Well, my Dad lives in the country and I live here, so I’m just going to have to give him a phone call, and say ‘Happy Father’s Day!’.”

Luca, 8, says his dad is pretty cool: “I think he would like… I’m not really sure what he likes. Maybe fruit muffins. And a coffee.”