Do you have a favourite health professional at The Royal Children’s Hospital? This is your chance to nominate them to win the 2016 Consumer Choice Award!
The Consumer Choice Award is presented to an RCH staff member by representatives of the RCH patient and consumer community. It recognises a staff member who goes above and beyond expectations to deliver great care.
To nominate your favourite health professional, CLICK HERE.
Please note: Nominations must be submitted on behalf of patients who have been treated at the hospital in the past 12 months. You can nominate as many staff as you like.
2 comments for “Who is your favourite RCH health professional?”
"Colin" at the Complex Care Clinic
Colin was exceptional in helping my son with his stay in hospital recently. He went above and way beyond to help us. It would definitely NOT gone as smoothly as it did if it wasn’t for Colin!
He needs to be recognised and appreciated.
Thanks you
Hi Andrea, what lovely words! Don’t forget to submit your nomination of Colin via the following form so he is formally in the running! Thank you.