Vale Ian Torode

Ian-Torode-197x278It is with deep regret that the we announce the passing of our esteemed colleague, Director of Orthopaedics Ian Torode, on Sunday 9 August 2015, at the Epworth Hospital after a short illness.

Ian Torode was a master clinician, a gifted surgeon and a friend and mentor to a generation of orthopaedic surgeons.

He loved the children that he cared for and was loved in return. Ian Torode was trusted by the parents of the children he cared for and highly regarded by the staff of the RCH Orthopaedic Department, his medical colleagues, nursing staff and allied health staff.

Ian served The Royal Children’s Hospital and the Victorian community for 30 years; he will be missed with sadness and remembered with deep affection.

Our heartfelt thoughts and deepest condolences are with his wife Lyn and sons Robbie and Tim.


135 comments for “Vale Ian Torode”

  1. Jason Spiros

    I was very sad to hear this news today , my deepest sympathy to the torode family .
    You were my Doctor when I was kid in the late 1980s , you helped me so much with my perthes disease , leg braces , and were so good to me when so many Doctors told me I would never walk straight again without a limp .
    You told me I would be fine and would walk without a limp and you were right .
    I will always remember you .

  2. The Cashin Family

    Feeling very saddened today to hear of the passing of Ian Torode – an amazing Surgeon and a truly lovely man. We had the privilege of meeting Dr Torode in November 2007 when he operated on our son Patrick for many hours. A worrying time eased by knowing that we had the best in theatre looking after our precious boy. Forever grateful – thank you. Rest in peace and condolences to his family and close friends.

  3. Harding family

    Mr Torode treated our daughter’s hip dysplasia quickly and effectively. He was great at putting us all at ease during a stressful time. We will always be grateful.

    Our condolences to the Torode family.

  4. Jessica Murphy

    As a child I remember sitting outside of Ian Torode’s office waiting for an appointment. Each time I visited the children I would watch him come in to the hallway and call a name and with a grin and a wave he’d let me know that it wasn’t my turn yet. He never felt like my doctor, instead visiting him was like visiting an extra Grandparent.

    Ian Torode was the kindest doctor I’ve ever had. I was his patient for many years seeing him regularly up until adulthood. I was always happy to see him and the dinosaur that lived on his window sill is still a vivid memory. It was always a comfort to know that whatever challenge I faced, Ian Torode would be there to see me through.

    I am so grateful for all the care he gave me, for the kindness he showed me and for the support he gave my parents. Each and every step I take in life is thanks, in part, to him.

    Thank you.

  5. Kate White

    Ian Torode cared for both of my daughters monitering the progression of their scoliosis over the past 11 months. On July 21st 2015 Mr Torode operated on my daughter Layla. A beautiful, happy, friendly, gentle, sincere and caring man with a great child like sense of humor for the children he cared for. Sadly missed , thanku ‘Rascal’ for your help with Laylas scoliosis surgery which was completed yesterday by Drs Johnson and Liew.forever grateful, sincere sympathy to the Torode family and also Sam Candy Xxx

  6. Kate Forster

    Thank you for looking after Tansy so well. Six surgeries and yet she always loved going to the clinic in Nth Melbourne. You made a difference. You changed lives. You were loved.

  7. Lauren Philp

    Deepest sympathy to Mr Torodes family. Ever grateful to him for dedicating his life to helping children. He corrected my scoliosis more than 20 years ago giving me a chance to lead a very normal life. I also had the pleasure of working with him many years later at the epworth. Lovely to read others comments on how he has touched so many lives and helped so many in need
    Thank you

  8. Mary Cornwell

    Very sad to hear of Dr Ian Torode’s death. He was a warm, lovely, caring man. I had dealings with him, more than 20 years ago, when one of my daughters was diagnosed with Scoliosis. He was wonderful with her, reassuring and helping her, helping her with her problems. RIP Ian. The world and its’ children will miss you. My condolences to the family.

  9. Eloise Purcell

    I was sent a text message tonight leaving work asking if I knew. I dont know how i drove the 20 minutes home. I cried non stop. I first met Ianwhen I was 8 years old when my scoliosis was diagnosed. Seeing him even though always meant something big was going to happen such as mri’s plaster, braces, 3 surgeries it was some of the best times. No other surgeon knew how to combine laughter, love, compassion and care into the brilliant work that he did. I always looked forward to seeing him as he was just one of the smartest nicest men i knew. Its not fair that he has gone already. He will be a part of my life forever, literally the titanium rods that are holding my spine together, he did that! Only the goof die young.

  10. Luke Helder

    R.I.P Mr Torode. You were an absolute gentleman with the kindest of hearts, you were there for not only myself and family but many others when they needed you the most. I thankyou for my second chance at life. I wish I could return the favour.

  11. Katrina Mullen

    A true gentleman, so very sorry for this loss of a special man. thank you for fixing my daughter Catherine’s back. RIP.

  12. Emily Baum

    Doctor Ian Torode was my surgeon, he operated on my back due to me having scoliosis and pretty much gave me a better life. He did wonderful job and my once curved back is now straight. I am no longer in pain and so truly grateful and appreciate everything this man has done for me.
    He supported and helped me from the very start when I found out about my condition with check ups and appointment after appointment.
    I had one last appointment with him and sadly I won’t be seeing him, I do hope you enjoyed the thank you gift of the chocolates from my family and I, I can’t thank you enough Doctor Torode for what you have done for me.
    My heart goes out to his family and friends, he was a great, kind and caring person.
    Rest In Peace.

    • Cara Evans

      Thank you for writing this tribute, Emily (& others!); you look the words right out of my mouth! 🙂 I’m so touched to hear he changed your life, just as he did mine! Ian was an unbelievable man, with a heart of gold, & a fantastic sense of humor… My deepest condolences to his family! I will miss him terribly!

  13. Maree Nihill

    My daughter suffered multiple fractures in her spine and pelvis and was cared for so well in both the neuro and ortho wards. She avoided surgery but was wrapped in bright green plaster with Mr Torode overseeing the procedure. Her clearest memory of this event 6 years ago was the fact that he was a smiling, jolly man who put her at ease when she was highly anxious (and who drew a smiley face on the plaster) and that put me at ease. A special man who has had a huge impact. Our sympathies to his family.

  14. Bayer Family

    Our heartfelt condolences to the Torode family. Ian was a master at making patients & parents feel comfortable when having to face the unknown, especially with our teenage son who actually managed to grin & joke around with Ian while he was consulting us regarding his scoliosis. A great loss and one that will be truly missed. Rest In Peace

  15. Zanardo Family

    We are deeply saddened to hear of the recent passing of Mr Ian Torode. We will forever be thankful for the care he has given Adrian and Rachael throughout the last ten years. His warm and caring nature towards our children, his patience to the endless questions we asked and great sense of humour will be greatly missed by us all. An amazing man, who we all looked up to and will never forget.

    Our sincere condolences to family, friends and work colleagues.

  16. Danielle Loughnan

    Mr Torode diagnosed my hip dysplasia, operated on me twice, guided me through leg braces and continued to consult me from 20 months old to 20 years old.
    He was such a marvellous paediatrician in the way he could always make me smile. Whether is be the welcome tickles or the funny ties, I was never scared about going to see MR Torode. I owe him so much and am eternally grateful.
    Rest in peace.

  17. Deb Dunn

    Ian Torode commenced his first consult with my son by saying he would treat his problem even though he was wearing a Bulldogs jumper (Mr Torode barracked for the Cats). We loved his humour, his lovely voice and his charming manner. Deepest condolences to his family. We adored Mr Torode RIP

  18. Anthony Hawkins

    I am truly sorry to hear of this special mans passing. He operated on my daughter in this year. My wife and I felt so lucky to get Ian to operate on our beautiful daughter. May he rest in peace. Condolences to his family.

  19. Kathy, Bruce & James Bowles

    We are shocked & saddened to hear of Mr Torodes passing.
    Our son James was an outpatient at the RCH for 19 years with most of those years being spent under Mr Torodes care. We remember him greeting us at the door with a lovely warm smile & a “James, James, Morrison Morrison. He always made us feel completely at ease having a joke with James & a bit of cheerful banter about the footy. When James was 18 & his time was up at the Children’s Mr Torode kept him on another year. He was very interested in James’s upcoming trip to America to work at a camp for people with disabilities & I think he wanted to hear all about it. Sadly he never got to find out that James now works in the medical field. Mr Torode was a truly wonderful caring person & our love & prayers go out to his family.

  20. Darren Williams

    I sit here today saddened by the news that Mr Torode had passed away. 26 years ago I was referred to Mr Torode by my Doctor who had high regard for Mr Torode as a surgeon and who just maybe able to help with my ongoing back pain. As it turned out I had poorly formed Hip joints that were quickly wearing out. Mr Torode performed an operation that required no replacement and allowed me to live an active sporting life. That was 26 years ago and just last week I visited his colleague he referred me to in Brisbane for a check up and the joint is still as strong and functioning to its capacity from the day Mr Torode performed the operation 26 years ago this week. I will always be grateful for what he did for me but reading what he has done for others and especially the kids he was truly a gifted man and Human being.
    My deepest sympathy to his family. Mr Ian Torode you will never be forgotten. R.I.P.

  21. Jan Smith

    Ian cared for my sons, saw us 3-6 monthly, never forgot his nicknames for them! He was a most caring man and doctor, will never forget how much the boys loved seeing him. A massive loss to RCH and present patients. Great memories of a lovely man.

  22. Karen Russell

    My daughter and I are so sad to hear of the passing of Mr Torode. He treated my daughter and our family with respect, honesty, compassion and understanding. Each appointment he greeted my daughter as if she was the most special person in the world. His smile was wonderful, his ties fantastic and he really did care. It was our honour to meet a doctor to whom others should aspire to be like. Our deepest sympathies to his wife and sons. Vale Mr Torode

  23. Jackie and Gilbert Calou

    Words cannot express our sadness of hearing of Mr Torode passing.
    Mr Torode has performed multiple operations on our daughter Curstie as she was growing up.We have found him an amazing human being above all.Always reassuring us that all will be well.We trusted him and knew that our daughter was in good hands.
    RIP Mr torode,you will never be forgotten.
    Sincere condoleances to his beautiful wife and children

  24. Mary Dracup

    I’m finding it difficult to believe Mr Torode has really gone. He seems more than a mortal figure to me. He managed my orthopaedic injuries after my parachuting accident back in 1984 and it’s thanks to him that I haven’t spent the past 31 years in a wheelchair. In fact, I still do yoga, bushwalk, even ski! I loved that he came to my wedding. He was a very kind, warm, funny man and I’m sure he will be greatly missed. My deepest sympathies to his family.

  25. Coleman Polhemus and Susan M Perron

    Mr Torode treated my sister for bone cancer in the 80s. He was a rock of sanity, humour and strength for us (especially my sister) at a time when the foundations of pretty much everything were falling apart. I still have an image of Mr Torode – burly, smiling, sleeves rolled up – that is vivid and reassuring 30 years later. Thanks Mr Torode

  26. Hykie Andrews / Teegan Weston

    So sad to hear the news of a wonderful caring man who gave my daughter a chance at living a normal life as much as possible. For that our family will be forever grateful. Heaven has gained a true hero Thank you Dr Torode

  27. Greta Hollows

    My deepest condolences to the Torode family. Ian was a great man. He performed my scoliosis operation, which I am forever grateful for. But he didn’t just operate, he cared about me and all his other patients and our family members. He checked in on me in hospital every day, always cracking a joke and putting everyone at ease.
    Thank you so much for all you have done. You will be greatly missed.
    Rest in Peace.
    Greta xx

  28. Michele & Michael Charlesworth

    So devastating at the news that Mr Torode has entered heaven. So very sorry for the Torode family and also for the Doctors, Anaesthetics, Nurses, Chris his faithful receptionist, Hospital Staff and of course the hundreds of patients that have been touched by his knowledge.
    Mr Torode gave me hope when he performed new surgery using CD Instrumentation. This surgery kept me away from the wheel chair that was advocated and also relieved me of some of my horrible pain.
    In the 28 years I have been seeing Mr Torode he has always made me feel like I was the patient he has been waiting to see. He was always happy, funny, sympathetic but always so loving. He will be so very sadly missed

  29. Zirak Family

    Ian was an angel sent down from above. He was a truly incredible and wonderful human being that left this earth way too soon. He was our daughter’s surgeon for nearly 9 years. Ian had a special way with making everyone happy in every single way. No matter how hard our situations were in the hospital, he would always give you a warm cuddle and ensure you that everything was going to be okay. It is painful to hear that one of the most extraordinary people in our lives has passed onto a new life. Our deepest condolences go to his wonderful family, Lyn, Robbie and Tim.
    You will be missed Ian, but never forgotten.
    RIP xo

  30. Elke Hollows

    Ian Torode was a very special person combining outstanding skills and talent with modesty, dedication and warmth. I always felt my daughter Greta to be in the very best hands as he exuded confidence and strength whilst always leaving a margin for personal deliberation and decision making. I cannot even begin to imagine going back to his rooms knowing he will not be there to greet us with his knowing smile. What a great loss to his family and the professional community. In deep sympathy, Elke and Greta Hollows.

  31. Shona Burgess

    I hope this great man knew in his time how deeply he was loved.
    I remember the first meeting with our 3 year old daughter when we moved from interstate. He explained in kind and gentle words what could be done and gave us the confidence and support to make some very difficult decisions.
    I cried when our daughter had to leave his care at the end of her 18th year. He was as much a part of our family as any other member.
    From all the other comments I know the depth of my esteem for Ian is shared by all.
    We will remember you always with the deepest gratitude and affection.

  32. Karen Beaton

    Mr Torode made you feel special and you felt that even after many years he would remember you (which he did in our case). He helped us as parents to stay calm even after bad news and he never saw our child’s condition as difficult – only a challenge. I’d also like to thank Mr Torode’s wife and children as I’m sure over the years family time would have been cut short when a patient needed Ian. RIP

  33. Hannah Moule

    Mr Torode was one of the kindest people I have ever met. I feel privileged and am so thankful to have known him. There just aren’t words to describe how personable and lovely he was – visiting him never felt like an appointment for the sake of my surgery – but more like a visit to see a friend. Deepest condolences to his family.

  34. Lindy Dadd

    Like so many others posting here, we were shocked and saddened to hear this terrible news. I first met Ian when my son Oliver was 6 days old and over the next 20 years(yes, Ian let Ol stay with him at RCH an extra year or so beyond 18 …) guided us and helped us accept what could be and what could not. He always had a good old chat at clinic to lighten the mood and never made an appointment at the Children’s seem anything less than good fun and a catch up for a chat. Thanks Ian for all the info, knowledge, care and fun, and thanks to your family for loaning him to us all. RIP

  35. Taylor Family

    What a terrible shock. We are so sorry to hear this news. “Doctor Ian” has been part of our lives for the past 10 years, only just operating on Jake 6 weeks ago. Jake (and myself) would not have gotten through all this without Ian’s knowledge, confidence, calmness and humour. Thank you Ian for being the man/doctor that you were. You made such a difference for Jake leading up to his op; and on the day of the op you were a real comfort. We send our love and thoughts to your Family. Take comfort in the wonderful memories. RIP. Jake, Sage and Andrea

  36. Marianna Asciak

    Our deepest condolences to his wonderful family. I feel so incredibly sad at the loss of this very SPECIAL and beautiful man. He looked after our son Mathew for his scoliosis with such care and compassion. He would greet us with a twinkle in his eye and a warm smile. Mathew loved having a chat with him. On our first meeting I remember Ian giving Mathew a big hug. He will be sadly missed but in our hearts forever.

  37. Liz Rogers

    So sorry to hear about Mr Torode’s passing. Found out by accident as my daughter was researching an article we read about him in 2012. It happened to be the day of her operation for Scoliosis that I read the article while I was waiting for her to come out of surgery. He was a wonderful surgeon who changed so many lives. It gave me a lot of reassurance while I was in that waiting room. Now she is going to document her experience for a paper for Uni. It was so sad to hear that he has left us. My condolences to his family and lovely Receptionist.

  38. Melissa & Mark Hynes

    I am deeply shocked and saddened by the loss of Ian Torode. My 3 daughters have been seeing Ian for over 2 years with Tiana only just having her spinal fusion operation 4 weeks ago. Ian was always reassuring in times of uncertainty and always greeted us with a smile, and as a friend not just a patient. He called them little rascal and our Tiffany who is yet to be operated on is his little tricky one. I don’t know what to do now you are gone as we and the whole community have lost a truly remarkable man. Condolences to Ian’s family and colleagues.

  39. Sifundo Mpatiwa

    Unbelievably sad,Great Loss not only to His Family but to us all.We were still waiting for our next visit to see Mr Torode.We relocated from Queensland in 2010 for Lashawn’s medical needs ,Mr Torode welcomed us and has been a major Person in our Journey.He was loving ,caring ,reassuring always.Never a dull moment at the visit even when situations looked hopeless .Our condolences to his family and all the lives he touched.

  40. Sifundo Mpatiwa

    Unbelievably sad,Great Loss not only to His Family but to us all.We were still waiting for our next visit to see Mr Torode.We relocated from Queensland in 2010 for Lashawn’s medical needs ,Mr Torode welcomed us and has been a major Person in our Journey.He was loving ,caring ,reassuring always.Never a dull moment at the visit even when situations looked hopeless .Our condolences to his family and all the lives he touched.

  41. Debra Hart

    I was devastated to hear of this wonderful man’s passing. In 2005 Ian treated my daughter for spinal fractures following a fall from her horse. She was airlifted to the RCH and from the very point of her arrival Ian was there – not just in a medical capacity but also as a compassionate and caring, genuinely interested gentleman who followed Eliza’s recovery and eventual return to riding with great interest. In the months following her injury there was uncertainty regarding her ability to walk again…other surgeons recommended surgical intervention but Ian’s ‘softly, softly’ approach meant she was spared the knife and her outcome has been phenomenally successful.
    We as a community have lost a genuinely caring, compassionate professional. His mischievous smile and quick one-liners will be sorely missed. Sincere condolences to his entire family, and beloved dogs…the wind will whisper his name on the beach and remind us of his place in our lives. R.I.P.

  42. Rebecca

    Rest in peace to the most amazing man who has cared for me with my scoliosis for the past 10 years, even now as an adult. I have gone through two spinal surgeries with him and I have always raved on about how great he is as a doctor. Condolences to the Torode family.

  43. Ronnie Jewitt

    Sadly our family have only just heard of this news today and it broke our hearts. We held great respect for him and the work he performed for so many children and young adults including the care of my daughter over the last 10 years. Rest in peace Mr Torode.

  44. Tina Nelson

    I was sad to hear that Lan had passed away as he cared for me for many years. He was the only doctor another then nathan in that team I trusted. Him been there for me when I was in and out of hospital with my back and times that you were with me when your family needed you. I am now 18 I was due for a check up tomorrow but it has rescheduled dur this hanpping

  45. Anita Drake

    So sad to hear the news about Iain. Iain performed a spinal fusion on our daughter Anna in March this year and the outcome has exceeded all of our expectations. Thank you Iain for your care, compassion and commitment to helping children. A very big loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with Iain’s family.

  46. Hannah Stowe

    Ian torode – An amazing man, he made such a significant impact on my daughters Millie’s quality of life not only with her scoliosis but in making sure all involved looked after her well (1999-2007) she always felt so looked after with Ian- he kept her funeral bookmark on his desk – he truly held close to his heart the children he cared for.. this is very sad news.. How proud his family must be to have had this amazing man in there lives – rip Ian – a truly amazing dr and person to have known – Thankyou for everything Ian

  47. Kate Mastroianni

    I don’t know where to start in acknowledging what Dr Torode did for me so many years ago. I had 6 crushed disks in my 3 year old back due to weak bones from leukaemia, which he fixed with absolutely no ongoing issues in my now 31 year old back.
    Thank you, Dr Torode. For everything. X

  48. Shandelle Bajorek

    Heartbreaking. I was born with severe bilateral telapies. Doctors told my parents I would never walk. Ian sorted them right out. I remember always looking forward to my appointments with him. He was so kind, and funny and caring. A truly heartbreaking loss for the RCH and his patients, but especially his family and friends. A man with a huge heart, is not a man easily forgotten.

  49. Morgan Cataldo

    Ian was my surgeon, who operated on me when I was 12 years old. I needed 3 stages of spinal fusion for my scoliosis (curvature of the spine).

    I can’t even begin to describe what a wonderful, gentle person he was and what he meant to me. The world has lost a giant, with a big heart and a deep passion for helping people, especially children.

    Thank you for giving me a new lease on life, Ian, as you did for countless others in your 65 years. I will never, ever forget you and the warmth you exuded to your patients. You meant so much more to me than ‘just my surgeon’, you were like a comforting, medical grandfather.

  50. Lisa Keel

    I just had to tell my 10 yr old daughter (Courtney) who was due to have a appointment with Ian next week,as she was on the waiting list for sugery on her spine that Ian had passed away and she burst into tears.We have been seeing him regularly over the last 5 years for check ups.My deepest symphony and prayers go to ian’s colleges and family,love from Courtney and Lisa.

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