Vale Ian Torode

Ian-Torode-197x278It is with deep regret that the we announce the passing of our esteemed colleague, Director of Orthopaedics Ian Torode, on Sunday 9 August 2015, at the Epworth Hospital after a short illness.

Ian Torode was a master clinician, a gifted surgeon and a friend and mentor to a generation of orthopaedic surgeons.

He loved the children that he cared for and was loved in return. Ian Torode was trusted by the parents of the children he cared for and highly regarded by the staff of the RCH Orthopaedic Department, his medical colleagues, nursing staff and allied health staff.

Ian served The Royal Children’s Hospital and the Victorian community for 30 years; he will be missed with sadness and remembered with deep affection.

Our heartfelt thoughts and deepest condolences are with his wife Lyn and sons Robbie and Tim.


135 comments for “Vale Ian Torode”

  1. Tricia Moon

    A tremendously caring man who made a huge difference to my son and daughters lives by doing his utmost to give them normality. A very sad day especially for his family, the medical profession and all his patients. Thank you and vale Ian. A legend.

  2. Melissa Wilkins

    I am deeply sorry to hear of the passing of such a great man. Not only was he gifted and caring, he was the only man we trusted with the care of our son. Ian was such a kind and caring soul – he loved ‘his kids’ tremendously and his passing will leave a gaping hole in many lives. Many heartfelt thanks to this generous man for saving our sons life. Truly a legend who is already so sadly missed.

  3. Raelene Mulgrew

    We are totally devasted to hear this news. Ian has been my son Lockies doctor for the past 14 years, he was not only his doctor but also a wonderful and caring friend to us all who we trusted with our sons ongoing care. He operated on Lockie when we was only 8 years old, we were so scared but knowing Ian was the surgeon made us rest easy as he was in the best hands. We were due to see him in October as we do each year, Lockie loved seeing Ian. Our deepest sympathy to his wife and two boys. Our hearts are breaking.

  4. Amelia Maillet

    Ian was both a great doctor and person. He always made me smile or laugh when I would see him for my treatment. I recently only heard the news of his passing and am deeply upset, I send my condolences to his family and friends and all of the people’s lives he changed for the better, he was an amazing person and changed my life. Without him I would not be the person I am today. rip Ian.

  5. Harriet Mendelson

    Dr Ian Torode was a great guy and an amazing hip surgeon. I wouldn’t be the person that I am today if it wasn’t for Mr Torode. Such a funny guy who made everyone’s day. Always had a smile on his face and made kids happy even if they were in pain. Mr Torode had such a big impact In my life when I was younger and having to have hip surgery. RIP Mr Torode you will be sorely missed by everyone. Such an inspiration. Condolences to your family. As the sun sets on another day we give thanks for health and say a prayer as we say goodbye to our departed Friend Ian Torode. Such heart breaking news and I will miss you.

  6. Tess cully / Donna cully

    My daughter Tess is an incredible sportswoman and at 14 discovered she had severe scoliosis. Ian defied those in America who wanted to place two rods in her back to rectify her deformity but meant she would never play sport again. Ian took a risk as he said and placed a longer rod than what he normally would , to try and rectify two significant curves in her spine.
    Two years on and playing highly competitive basketball 7 days a week , we recently saw Ian who was so happy with Tess and her progress…. Our sad thoughts are not only with Ian’s family but with his receptionist Chris who lived And breathed Ian torode and his anaesthetist , whose name escapes me, but she has known and worked with him for about 20 years and went to university with him. An amazing doctor and gentleman who never missed a day visiting Tess when she was in hospital …’s a really sad time in our family as I am sure it is in his ….please remember the great man he was . Xxx the world could benefit by more Mr Ian Torode’s.2015

  7. Daniel McCready / deign fisher

    Ian has been my son’s surgeon for the last 8 years. He was excellent with him all the way through. He even came on his time off to help my son in need. The love and dedication he put towards the kids in need was incredible. We will miss you. My condolences to his family and for the sacrifices they made so he could make a difference to ours.

  8. Michelle Gilbert

    We’re so grateful to have had Ian look after our beautiful little girl for the past few years. He’s been such an integral part of her care and it’s difficult to imagine what it’ll be like without him. He performed her most major operation only a few weeks ago, and it is only because of our trust in him that we went ahead with the procedure. So many of his colleagues, even doctors from other hospitals, always spoke so highly about Ian’s incredible capabilities as a surgeon, but we know personally about his incredible capability to love the children he cared for. We first met Ian when our daughter was 3 days old and knew we were in the right place when he just snuggled her and talked proudly about all of his ‘kiddies’ he’d looked after over the years, some of whom had gone on to compete in para-sports events at the Commonwealth & Olympic Games.
    Our sincerest condolences to all of the staff at the RCH who have worked with Ian over the years, especially those in the Limb Deficiency team. And our heartfelt gratitude and condolences go to his family. Thank-you for sharing your husband and father with us. I hope you are able to find comfort in knowing how much he has helped our little girl, and so many others as well. Thank-you Ian.

  9. Frank Bienefelt

    Ian Torode was more than a physician, he was a real gentleman and friend who had the innate ability of relating to children of any age as well as giving a sense of calm to concerned and worried parents facing an uncertain future. We had utmost faith in his skills and never doubted his advice. We first met Ian 20 years ago when our son was 6 weeks old and diagnosed with limb deficiency. He prepared us for a future of multiple procedures and 2 major leg lengthenings, all from our first meeting. Over the period of the next 18 years as each operation came and went (we stopped counting at 20) he was always enthusiastic to meet us as we were to meet him. He pioneered custom made magnetic nails inserted in the bones and manufactured from an aeronautic friend in France – all for our son and convinced our insurance company to pay the bill if he underwrote the risk. He thought nothing of dropping in near his home in Torquay on a Sunday to check out a leg infection and change dressings that he paid. Together with his equally talented anaesthetist, Gail Littejohn , they made hospital visits bearable.
    Today our son still plays AFL and owes a lifetime of sport to this man. Ian was a humble man, great human being and a true friend.

    • Adam Pope

      We met Ian in March of last year when our then 14 year old son developed a curvature of the spine. On meeting Ian he struck up an immediate rappor with our son putting him at ease whilst conveying the realities that the need for fusion surgery was required.
      Our son is now in great shape thanks to Ian and the surgical staff at RCH.
      Our deepest condolences go to his family and the team at the RCH. In time our son will play AFL again for the Torquay Tigers thanks to Ian’s and his amazing team .
      A great loss.

  10. Bill Callaghan

    For us, Ian is remembered as a remarkable individual who was instrumental in improving the quality of life of individuals with Rett syndrome.
    Families and friends of the Rett Syndrome Association of Australia.

  11. Dr Abdul latif Al-Saleh

    I met Ian in 1995 and spent almost one year training under his supervision.He taught me alot in paediatrc orthopaedic and he was a very good to me and gave me a lot of good advises and tricks in surgery.He made my stay in Melbourne very interesting and useful.
    Really even after 20 years when I read he passed away , I felt that I or we lost a lot , Ian was kind of man if you met once you will never forget.
    I still remember his words and hug when he and his wife Lyn invited me to his house near the hospital, I told him our houses in Saudi Arabia are big . he looked at me and said my heart is big.
    Today I am senior consultant paediatric orthopaedic surgeon and I always tell my Ortho resident I was lucky in my training when I was in RCH and always mention Ian and other [Kerr , Menelouse, sulivan , Bob, etc

    He also taught me to love children more and give my best to them.

    As a muslim man we say we will meet in Heaven in sha Allah

  12. Dr Abdul latif Al-Saleh

    My deep condolence to his family Lye and sons
    Really I felt I lost my older brother

  13. Lindy Johnson

    Very sad to hear the news. I worked with Ian for many years in my role as an Occupational Therapist in the Limb Deficiency Clinic. Condolences to his family – Lyn and his two sons.

  14. Dr Sharaf Ibrahim

    My condolences to Lyn, Robbie and Tim. I’ve known Ian for many years as he comes regularly to speak in orthopaedic conferences in Malaysia. He was a friend to all of us. We will miss him.

  15. Hannah Maxwell

    Dr Ian Torode was my doctor/surgeon for 17 years of my life and was a tremendous man. He had so much love and dedication towards his patients and I am so thankful for what he did for me. All my love and my condolences goes to his family.
    Rest in Peace xxxxxx

  16. Brian Ford

    What a loss this man will be to the medical profession! Knowledgable, understanding, caring, patient, decisive, the list goes on. He took on our son’s issues when others wouldn’t. He “made a difference” to his life, our lives and I am sure thousands of his patients. His legacy to the RCH and its outstanding work is enormous.
    Our condolences to his wife, children and work colleagues. He was the master!

  17. Penny van Lierop

    This beautiful man saved my life. A truely wonderful, caring and funny man who worked his magic on my spine 15 years ago. Many thanks always.

  18. Sue Bosaid

    A little over 24 years ago Ian Torode took under his care the daughter of two very frightened parents from a small country town and promised to do his best to ensure that she would one day walk normally, with hip sockets that were never formed at birth. Using pioneering knowledge and skills for its time, and attentive care unparalleled by any medical practitioner since, my daughter Elise walks and enjoys life. After 16 years spent with Ian, tears were shed when he handed her back to me with her treatment complete, telling me ‘she’s all yours now Mum’. Words alone could never express my gratitude to this brilliant gentle man, nor my dismay at his passing and the loss to future patients he could have helped.

  19. Maxine King

    This beautiful man was a gentle soul and so human. He worked with 2 of my sons from the time they were babies and always explained everything so it was easy to understand. He will e sadly missed by many and I doubt anyone will ever fill his shoes. R.I.P to a gorgeous soul.

  20. Emily Dawson

    Devastated to hear the news last night of the passing of one of the greatest and most gifted men. As I walked to my computer to write this, I thanked him for sharing his gift of brilliant surgery and wonderful patient care. Ian you literally caught me as I was falling. You are my hero! RIP! <3

  21. Rebecca Byrne

    I am devastated to hear of the passing or Dr Torode. He made sure my daughter was of utmost importance when deciding on her care for hip dysplasia. He never wanted to rush in and operate and we were grateful for his expertise and wonderful interaction with us all. Our condolences to his family and work family as I know we will miss him as a Dr for our children but he was a husband, father and colleague that dedicated so much of his time to our kids. Thank you Dr Torode, Kaitlin will miss you calling out her name in your consulting rooms ‘Katie Kate’ and your Pooh Bear tie! Sadly missed

  22. Ron H

    A terrible loss for his family, the medical profession and society. Ian was caring, capable, genuine, funny, humble, generous and an all round amazing person. I felt entirely comfortable entrusting my daughter to him for major spinal surgery. We laughed and cried with him and felt so at ease with him.

    Late in the evening before my daughter’s surgery I told him how nervous I was. His response to me was that he also gets nervous before such operations. That humility struck a cord with me. It was reflective of a degree of honesty and humility that one rarely sees, particularly in such a capable and venerated person.

    Ian, we will miss your signature raised eyebrow.

    Sincerest condolences to his family. I really do wish you the strength to carry on without such a great man by your side.

  23. Michael Wilkins

    Deepest sympathy to Mr Torodes family at this sad time. Ian operated on our daughter 20 years ago for scoliosis. Sarah has grown to be a strong vibrant young lady with two beautiful children. Without Mr Torode and Mr Dickens her life would have been very different.

  24. Jade Kimi

    I didn’t have the pleasure of meeting or knowing this beautiful person. But just reading these posts I do wish I did. I just felt a need to post to say rest in peace gentle man, your life has made such a difference to others, you were a special bred, you will be missed but not never forgotten. Bless you soul

  25. Killender Family

    Our son has been under Mr Torode’s care for over 10 years, only a few weeks ago again performing an operation to help with his mobility. We will be forever thankful for the wisdom, care and friendless to our family. 🙂 What an awesome guy, he will be remembered greatly. Our deepest sympathy to his family. Gone but not forgotten.

  26. Karan Dawson

    Thank you Ian, for sharing you brilliant gift of surgery with us. You save our daughter Emily’s ability to walk when you removed three tumours from her knee. Others said she would be left with a limp or foot drop. You cleverly defied all to successfully operate without leaving any permanent impairment. Three surgeries and great success. You caught her when she was falling. You were her Hero and she loved and trusted you. Just as we did. Rest in peace Ian. From a grateful mother. Karan

  27. Rick Parker

    Mr Torode was an excellent Orthopaedic Surgeon and a gentleman. I meet him when I first started at Epworth Hospital,Richmond as an Orthopaedic Scrub Nurse for his Cases. I learnt a lot from him during that time and he enjoyed teaching. Deepest Sympathy to his entire family and colleagues..

  28. Cathy Maynard

    RIP to the kindest, warmest most genuine man I have ever been privileged to meet. Deepest sympathy to his family and friends. The world is a poorer place without him. Gone too soon but never forgotten. From another very grateful parent.

  29. Jonathan Ryan

    Our Son Darcy Ryan can now walk because of Ian.

    There was no other Surgeon in the World who could have made this happen

    Gone but never forgotten

    Deepest Sympathy & thoughts with the family

    Jonathan , Darcy & Hana

  30. J

    Vale Ian Torode. My deepest condolences to your family and loved ones. I never got a chance to say thank you for the care and the inspiration you provided me.
    Thank you…
    From an ex-patient and current orthopaedic trainee

    • FR

      Vale Mr Torode – Thank you for your immense patience, extremely cheerful personality and great comfort and loving care for so many years (both pre and post op) provided all those many years ago to our baby and our whole family at a very difficult time. All of these on top of the superior professional and technical surgical skills you used to change her life. You’re the inspiration to a budding orthopod. Eternally grateful.

  31. Eli M.

    It was very upsetting for me to hear of Mr Torodes untimely passing. Mr Torode was one of the most incredible people I ever got to meet – he was such a caring and gentle soul.

    When I had my right foot amputated at age 18 months, he was my surgeon, and for the next 16 years he was my doctor. He gave me the ability to walk, run and play like any other child in my younger years while other doctors said I would be confined to a wheelchair.

    Whenever I went for an appointment I was greeted with the same cheerful, genuine smile. The way he was able to connect and interact with everyone in such a friendly way simply amazed me time and time again. My parents, my family and I were left inspired by him.

    On one of my more recent visits to Mr Torode, my mother brought along my young brother, as she was concerned with the way he was crawling. When my mother voiced her concerns to him, Mr Torode, in font of all his assistants and specialists, proceeded to bend down onto the floor and crawl on all fours with my brother, laughing with him and putting my brother at ease.

    And who can forget his Winnie the Pooh tie he wore so religiously?

    My sincerest condolences to his family. Our thoughts are with you

    Rest in Peace, Mr Torode. You will never be forgotten.

  32. Nicky Kiparissis

    So saddened by your loss. Such a caring man.
    Always sharing great advice even when you were a patient.
    The Orthaopaedic world is much poorer today without you in this world.

  33. Miriam Merel

    We were literally left speechless upon hearing the terrible news of Mr Ian Torode’s untimely passing. His loss is felt by all as one of the most decent human beings we have come across in our lives. From the very first meeting over 20 years ago, Mr Torode trouched us with his honest, caring and warm mannerism. He was ever patient, understanding and no question was silly or unnecessary. He was truly every parents dream Doctor. It amazed us how he had a nickname for every child and the kids responded in kind…to us he was more like an uncle and friend rather than a top professional at the RCH. It’s one thing to be a good doctor it’s another to be a nice person and Mr Torode encompassed all of the above in an assuming fashion. He is a huge loss to society and especially to our family and his greatness and humbleness will need be forgotten.

    Rest in peace Mr Torode and your champion patients will continue to make you proud.

    Our deepest sympathies to your family who were truly blessed to have you in their lives as we were and we wish them comfort in this difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are with them and we wish them strength.

    Avi and Miri Merel

  34. Davoli Family

    We had the privilege of having Ian as our daughter’s treating surgeon from approx. 3 years ago. One month ago our daughter took her first step in prosthetics – because of Ian Torode. We will not forget him. As we read all the tributes, we realise we were one of many, but Ian never made us feel that way………what a skill to have after so many years of medical practice. Wherever you are now Ian, we know one thing – you are achieving amazing things. Thank you for your mastery, thank you for your wisdom, thank you for patience, thank you for allowing our daughter to live the best life she can. To Ian’s family – thank you for letting him weave his magic and touching so many souls – his legacy can be seen, carried and felt within so many many children he helped and saved. The Davoli Family

  35. Smith Family - Rian

    I was in shock when told of the passing of our surgeon and friend. The impact he made in the 14 years with my son Rian words cannot express. Not only was he gifted, caring and made you believe your son was the most important person in the world he was the only man we trusted with the care of our son. Ian was such a kind and caring soul – he loved ‘his kids’ tremendously and his passing will leave a gaping hole in many lives. My son and us are devastated but we wish to send his family whom he often spoke about with us our love. Many heartfelt thanks to this generous man for saving our sons life and making such an impact in his life. Truly a legend who is already so sadly missed by all. Jacinta Smith

  36. Stacey Poppelock

    I am so sad to hear that Ian Torode has lost his life after years of giving children back their quality of life. He changed my life 15 years ago and completely fixed my spine, and I can’t thank him enough; I wouldn’t be who I am today as a healthy and happy adult. Thank you Ian, RIP and never forgotten, Stacey Poppelock and all the Poppelocks

  37. Kerrie Scott

    Mr Torode was brilliant, gentle, caring and worked for over 19 years to get the most normal life possible for my son. He took real interest and pride in all Hudson’s achievements and was the greatest support to a concerned parent. Condolences to his family.

  38. Chris Tsatrafilis & Family

    Our family are very saddened and shocked by the passing of Ian.
    Ian was invloved in the treatment of our son since his birth back in 1993. He bought a smile to our “slamming Sam’s” face each time he met him.

    Thank you Ian for the better quality of life you provided our son and the many many young lives you touched along the way.

    Thank you for your skill, your care and kindness. You will be greatly missed.

    Our Deepest condolences to his family.

  39. Natalie

    Feeling blessed to have met & been treated by such an incredible specialist. Thank you Ian, you will be greatly missed, you changed the lives of many. Deepest condolences to his family & RCH

  40. Lenne Family

    Good bye Dr Torode.. Thank you for everything you did for our boy Riley.. Such a caring gentleman who roamed the world with my son’s xrays seeking the best way to treat my sons Hemivertebrae/scoliosis. You were a wonderful man who made our sons life a little easier.. you will be sadly missed..

  41. Sophie Cox

    RIP Dr Torode. You changed the lives of many people, including myself. You will leave a legacy that few others could achieve – and you will live on in the memories of the patients and their families who you cared for when they were at their most vulnerable.

  42. Amanda Bacon and Isabel Lethaus

    It is with such sadness that I have learnt this news this morning. Mr Torode was such an integral part of our early years with our daughter Isabel – although always ‘Issy’ to Mr Torode – who was born with CDH. He was an empathetic, caring man with whom we invested much well-placed trust. Sincere condolences to his family and colleagues – Mr Torode will be very missed by all who knew him.

  43. Zoe Rose

    Another great life lost, My deepest sympathies to Dr Torode’s family and friends.
    You will be never forgotten. Thankyou for everything you have done.
    You will be dearly missed
    Rest in peace.

  44. Rees Family

    We were very sad to hear of Mr Torode’s passing this morning. He has cared for our daughter, Sarah, over the past 14 years and always gave her positive feedback when she was feeling down with her scoliosis. He always called her Sara-Sara which made her feel very special. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and also to Chris at his rooms in North Melbourne. Rest in Peace Mr Torode.

  45. Lisa

    I’m brought to tears, once again, reading these tributes. If only words could really convey to people, who didn’t know Mr Torode, what an incredibly caring and dedicated doctor he truly was. He made every child and every parent seems as though they were the only patients he had.
    Ian was our son’s (Brenty Boy) specialist and surgeon for 16 years and performed two, gruelling major surgeries, the first at age 3 and then another at 12. We travelled religiously from remote NSW to see the only man in the southern hemisphere who could do what he did, so, so well.
    Our whole family is saddened and we wish to convey to Ian’s family our deepest sympathy. We hope they find solace in knowing how loved and admired this great man is.
    The RCH is poorer for having lost a doctor but infinitely richer for having know the man.
    We will be forever thankful to you Ian and have no doubt that you’re already busy mending angel wings in heaven.
    RIP Mr Torode – never forgotten

    Lisa, Brent and family xx

  46. Jackie and Gilbert Calou

    Words cannot express our sadness of hearing of Mr Ian Torode passing.
    Mr Torode had performed multiple operations on our daughter Curstie as she was growing up.We have found him to be an amazing human being above all .Always reassuring us that all will be well .We trusted him and knew that our daughter was in good hands.
    RIP Mr Torode,you will never be forgotten.
    Sincere condoleances to his beautiful wife and children

  47. Rachel

    Reading all these condolences makes my heart heavy.
    What a brilliant, caring man. Sending much love to your family.
    My only regret is that whilst we worked in the same building for over a year I never got to meet you.
    Vale Ian.

  48. Margot Le Page

    It is so difficult to find words to express my feelings of loss and sadness today. I have the privilege of being one of Mr Torode’s first adult scoliosis patients to have corrective surgery aged 47. His expertise, care, and humour enabled me to get through an enormously difficult time. My family and I are forever indebted. To his receptionist, Chris, his family, and colleagues I send my deepest sympathy. He will never be forgotten.

  49. Sue Willis

    I met Ian when he was treating adults with Scoliosis. I was one of the first to have surgery at age 50. He has given me quality of life I didn’t think possible.
    His help and support over the years encouraged me to start the Scoliosis Association of Australia.
    My thoughts and love go out to his family and also to Christine who worked with him for so long.
    With much love and respect to a great man.

  50. kylie Nottage

    R.I.P Mr Torode. It was 29 years ago that i first met you when i was a little girl aged 2. U only had to sit in your office and call out “Princess” and i knew that you were ready to see me. How you would pick me up and give me the best cuddles ill never forget that. When i had to have surgery (6) times, you would come and lay on my bed and say, ” So what we doing today princess. Let me have 5 mins lay down with you” You always made me feel so safe and that there was nothing to be worried about. Now that im 31 years old, i look back at all the brillant work you did on my legs as a kid, and that if it wasnt for you i would not of walked down the aisle and had the life i do today. I remember when you were to become a father and how excited you were, as well as the fantastic colourful ties you would wear, it would just make your eyes glow. I send my deepest sympathy’s to your whole family and all the people that were close to Mr torode. Gone but Never forgotten. R.I.P

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