Pixie takes everything in her stride

Pixie Fitzgerald and fundraiser Alexander Petrou in Pixie’s room at the RCH. Photo courtesy of the Herald Sun.

On Saturday, volunteer fundraiser Alexander Petrou began walking 77km from Melbourne to Geelong to raise money in support of Royal Children’s Hospital patient Pixie Fitzgerald.

Last November, the brave five-year-old was diagnosed with a rare germ cell cancer and has since endured countless procedures including operations, chemotherapies and blood transfusions.

RCH oncologist Leanne Super said: “She is very bright, very bubbly, she’s doing all of the right things, and she’s coping extremely well.”

With a long road of treatments ahead, fundraisers are hoping to raise enough money for the family of five to extend their two-bedroom house so that Pixie can have a room of her own, and hopefully spend more time at home with her family.

Pixie’s mum Kylyn White said: “She’s amazing, she’s very resilient … she just takes it in her stride, she’s really happy, smiley, just like any five-year-old.”

To support Pixie go to www.pixiefitzgeraldfundraiser.com

Click here to read the full story on the Herald Sun website.

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