Celebrating Women in Science

To secure Australia’s health and economy into the future, the talents of women in science are vital. In biology, over half of all Bachelor of Science and PhD graduates are women, yet there is only one in ten women at the senior levels of our universities and research institutes

Exciting Developments in the World of Cystic Fibrosis

Research at the Melbourne Children’s Campus was recently described in the New England Journal of Medicine as ‘leading to a paradigm shift in our understanding of lung disease in cystic fibrosis’.

The New RCH Escalation of Care

Early identification and care of the deteriorating patient is one of the Federal Government’s 9 key National health priorities. The Grand Round will also be an opportunity to hear feedback from staff on their experience of the changes over the last month.


Pneumonia is the dominant cause of childhood illness and death outside the neonatal age group.

Superbugs and antibiotic resistance: what are we doing to prevent catastrophe in Australia?

The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne and Monash Children’s Hospital are jointly hosting the annual Australian and New Zealand Paediatric Infectious Diseases Clinical Meeting this week. Paediatric infectious diseases experts from children’s hospitals around Australia will highlight resources, activities and achievements in combatting antibiotic resistance.