Machines that save lives: 25 years of extracorporeal support at the Royal Children’s Hospital

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Synopsis:Twenty five years ago the extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) program commenced at RCH. ECMO is a prolonged form of Cardiopulmonary Bypass which continues for days to weeks and provides support of heart and lung function. ECMO has become a safe and standard therapy offered all over the world but was an experimental and controversial therapy when RCH started its program. RCH has developed new methods of providing safer ECMO which has allowed its widespread application and development. This has been accomplished from the very early days with a strong philosophy of teamwork and cooperation amongst the varied clinicians involved: these have included departments of cardiac surgery, perfusion, neonatology, and ICU technologists, nurses and medical staff. Some of these will be highlighted including the technology, the nursing models of care and the latest surgical techniques.


Associate Professor Stephen Horton (PhD, C.C.P. (USA), C.C.P.) is director of the Perfusion department at the RCH. Stephen is actively involved in training perfusionists from Australia, New Zealand and many other countries in paediatric perfusion, ECMO, and centrifugal ventricular assist (VAD). Stephen is also involved in training programs for paediatric intensive care fellows, intensive care nurses and cardiac theatre nurses. He has written many scientific papers on cardio-pulmonary bypass and ECMO and is actively involved in the introduction of new equipment for ECMO support.

 Derek Best is a Clinical Nurse Consultant to the Extra Corporeal Life Support Program, and is based in Rosella Ward. He has been at the Royal Children’s Hospital for 28 years, and the majority of that time has been in intensive care. For the last 11 years he has been in his present role. Derek is involved in the education and ongoing education of ECMO nurse specialists at the RCH, data collection for the Extra Corporeal Life Support Organisation, and has co authored many scientific papers on ECMO.

 Associate Professor Christian Brizard is director of the Cardiac Surgery Unit at the RCH. Christian is also an Associate Professor of Paediatrics, the University of Melbourne, Consultant Cardiac Surgeon (RCH), Co-Director, Australia and New Zealand Children’s Heart Research Centre, a board member of the “Heart Institute, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, and Clinical Professor, Korea University Seoul, South Korea.  Christian has written many scientific papers on cardiac surgery techniques and outcomes for congenital heart disease.

 Associate Professor Warwick Butt is director of Paediatric Intensive Care, and medical director of the ECMO program. Warwick is on the editorial board of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine and Critical Care and Resuscitation. Warwick has published many scientific papers on ECMO and has also written several book chapters on extracorporeal life support.

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