Presenter: A/PROF Paul Johnson
Australia is the only developed country reporting significant local transmission of Mycobacterium ulcerans – the causative agent of Bairnsdale/Buruli ulcer (BU). Eighty percent of Australian cases occur in Victoria(30-40 per year) and about one third are children… read more
One comment for “Possums, mosquitoes and Bairnsdale ulcer (Mycobacterium ulcerans infection)”
jennifer Anderson
Hi Dr Johnson,
Great talk,
I am a Gp in lancefield.
My questions are:
1) how much does the PCR test cost, and is it medicre rebatable?
2)What type of swab do we use?
3)What do we need to write on the request form
4)Is there a problem if thereis a delay in sending the swab if you live rurally?
5) Can any laboratory do the test or is it just through VDRL?
Kind regards