Celebrating International Day of People with Disability: Partnering in research



Healthy Trajectories is proud to bring a celebration of the International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) to Grand Rounds at The Royal Children’s Hospital. In line with our vision for an inclusive Australia, we will share what we and others around the Campus have been doing to authentically involve young people growing up with a disability, and their families, as partners in research. You will hear from researchers and those with lived experience of childhood-onset disability about what they have learned about what is needed to work together effectively. We will share stories about our work and its impacts, as well as tips, resources and opportunities for learning for those wanting to collaborate in research in this way.



Prof. Christine Imms, Apex Chair of Neurodevelopment and Disability and Director of Healthy Trajectories.

Rohan Symonds, Lived Experience Consultant.

Dr Anthea Skinner, Australian Research Council Industry Fellow and Senior Lecturer in Disability Creative Performance at Victorian College of the Arts.

Jacinta Pennacchia, Speech Pathologist and PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne.

Rigan Tytherleigh, Research and Program Evaluation Data Manager, Genomics in Society, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute/Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance; Honorary (Fellow), Department of Paediatrics; The University of Melbourne.

Erin Crellin, PhD candidate, Department of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne; Genomics in Society, MCRI.

Sevastine Katsakis, Consumer Engagement Officer at Healthy Trajectories.

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